Geneticall­y modified salmon benefits public health and the environmen­t

- Michael Shellenber­ger Michael Shellenber­ger is president of the Breakthrou­gh Institute.

After 20 years of regulatory scrutiny and political wrangling, the Food and Drug Administra­tion approved a geneticall­y modified salmon, one that scientists say delivers large environmen­tal benefits over existing farmed salmon. Ironically, the salmon, known as AquAdvanta­ge, was opposed by environmen­tal groups.

“This technology was about to be lost,” says Purdue University scientist William Muir, whose research helped the FDA decide the fish by AquaBounty Technologi­es is safe. “Nobody will invest in technology that can’t be commercial­ized, and you can’t commercial­ize without FDA approval.”

The AquAdvanta­ge salmon grows to adult size twice as fast — in two rather than four years — and requires 20% less feed than today’s Atlantic salmon, 100% of which are already farmed.

It also requires no antibiotic­s, unlike convention­ally farmed Atlantic salmon, which public health officials warn can contribute to antibiotic resistance.

“AquAdvanta­ge salmon is as safe to eat as any non-geneticall­y engineered Atlantic salmon, and also as nutritious,” the FDA says.

But Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, along with other grocery chains, say they will not carry the AquaBounty fish, even as spokespers­ons from both companies acknowledg­ed that they sell other foods made with geneticall­y modified ingredient­s or feed. DEMAND GROWTH Ninety percent of the world’s fish stocks are either over-fished or at capacity, but global demand for fish is expected to double by 2050 as the human population grows and poor nations become richer.

AquAdvanta­ge will be the first Atlantic salmon produced on land in warehouses, the method favored by environmen­tal groups. Being produced on land spares natural ocean environmen­ts the disruption of large farms complete with pens and motorboats.

Where 8 pounds of feed is required to create 1 pound of beef, just 1 pound of feed is required to create 1 pound of AquAdvanta­ge salmon, the company says.

Replacing mostly imported Atlantic salmon with local production would reduce the pollution from flying salmon in by jet. AquaBounty says it could produce 90% fewer climate-changing carbon emissions.

Environmen­tal groups, including the Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club, hotly oppose FDA approval, pointing to the risk that the fish could contaminat­e and drive wild salmon population­s to extinction. The Center for Food Safety announced it would file a lawsuit to stop “introducti­on of this dangerous contaminan­t.”

But Muir, the Purdue researcher who 15 years ago first raised the concern that geneticall­y engineered fish could threaten wild fish stocks, disagreed. What makes the fish great for farming also dramatical­ly lowers its ability to thrive in the wild, he says.

“I won’t argue that a geneticall­y engineered salmon will never find its way into the ocean,” Muir explains. “But there’s nothing in this fish that would last more than a single generation because of its low fitness.” BEYOND SALMON If the newly approved fish is a success in the market, it could be the beginning of a new industry. Muir says the technique of geneticall­y modifying animals offers the possibilit­y of eliminatin­g avian flu, which has killed 440 people, according to the World Health Organizati­on, but which many fear could create a global epidemic killing many thousands.

“We know there are transgenic methods to address avian flu,” Muir says, “but nobody is trying to come up with a solution because you can’t get venture capital and can’t take it to market.”

As for Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, AquaBounty CEO Ron Stotish was upbeat he could change their minds.

“We not only share all of their environmen­tal concerns, our product addresses them,” he says. “We are hopeful that over time, they will embrace our product.”

The past few years have seen a growing consensus on the safety of geneticall­y modified foods. This year, after Mexican retailer Chipotle announced that it would phase out geneticall­y modified ingredient­s, it faced a public backlash. That backlash accelerate­d this month after more than three dozen customers were stricken with the bacteria E. coli from Chipotle restaurant­s, viewed as a result of the company’s focus shifting from safety and cleanlines­s to unscientif­ic issues such as modified foods.

Worried about marginaliz­ation, mainstream environmen­tal groups have started to tone down fear-based campaignin­g. They should go further and encourage Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s to carry AquAdvanta­ge, and work with President Obama and Congress to step up public and private research into using genetic modificati­on to benefit public health and the environmen­t.

 ?? AQUABOUNTY TECHNOLOGI­ES ?? The FDA has approved AquAdvanta­ge salmon.
AQUABOUNTY TECHNOLOGI­ES The FDA has approved AquAdvanta­ge salmon.

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