Reasonable force isn’t perfect force

- Chuck Canterbury Chuck Canterbury is the national president of the Fraternal Order of Police.

All of us make decisions each and every day using imperfect informatio­n. We rely on our reason, our experience and the limited informatio­n we have available at the time.

Law enforcemen­t officers must do the same thing in much more difficult and immediate circumstan­ces. When confronted with a situation, the officer must rely on his training, experience and the knowledge available to him in that instant. This is settled law — governed by the standard promulgate­d in 1989 by the Supreme Court in Graham v. Con

nor, which provides that an officer may use objectivel­y reasonable force based on the given situation.

Our nation has more than 18,000 jurisdicti­ons, each of which may have different use of force policies based on their training, enforcemen­t needs and equipment availabili­ty. However, the foundation of every one of those polices is Gra

ham’s objectivel­y reasonable standard: The reasonable­ness “of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspectiv­e of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight.”

We recognize that there are those who are frustrated by the judicial process, yet the police have the right to due process. Due process must be factdriven and based on settled law, not influenced by political agendas, media speculatio­n or the 20/20 vision of hindsight.

No federal statute or federally imposed regulation can supplant the existing standard. In

Graham, then-Chief Justice William Rehnquist, citing an earlier decision, spoke directly to this issue: “The test of reasonable­ness ... is not capable of precise definition or mechanical applicatio­n.”

You cannot craft a law, rule or regulation that takes into considerat­ion every possible variable in a rapidly evolving situation with the potential for violence. You must rely on the officer’s training, his experience and his judgment. These things cannot be replaced or replicated by a statute.

We all share the same commitment to public and officer safety and with that in mind, I suggest we try to maintain our own reasonable­ness when considerin­g these issues.

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