Jared Kushner answers and gets called a liar?



On Monday, White House adviser, and President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner released details of his contacts with Russians during Trump’s presidenti­al campaign and transition. He denied colluding with a foreign government or that Russians financed his business in the private sector.

Kushner also said he attended a meeting with a Russian lawyer set up by Donald Trump Jr., but he said he did not read the emails showing Trump Jr. accepted the meeting with the idea that he would receive damaging informatio­n about Hillary Clinton.

So he showed up to the meeting, but somehow didn’t read the chain of emails Trump Jr. included him in?

Matthew Farmer

This will be a thing of the past in a couple of weeks, and the Democratic Party will still be harping on it.

Frank Wilson Harding

Gotta love the mentality from the left. They demand that Kushner respond to what he’s accused of, and when he does, they accuse him of lying. Meanwhile, they have zero proof.

Jesse Smith

Everything in Kushner’s statement sounds reasonable and not only discredits the recent reports about him, but also shows how the news media have distorted the truth to make something innocent seem suspicious. And those of you suggest-

ing that not reading one string of emails out of the thousands he probably received is suspicious, you obviously never get a large amount of emails.

What’s also interestin­g is that when Kushner voluntaril­y reveals this informatio­n to the government — as opposed to deleting thousands of emails — those things he revealed get selectivel­y leaked to discredit him. Fairness is gone today. All that is left is political animosity and partisan distortion.

Dagerow Nu

Kushner could not remember meetings with any Russians but when called on the lie, he can remember all of the little details about the meetings — he thinks that makes him look innocent. Kushner needs to be charged with treason and then arrested.

Steve Patterson


We asked our followers their thoughts on White House adviser Jared Kushner’s denial of Russian collusion.

I don’t believe anything Kushner says relating to Russia. He clearly tried to get underneath the issue before the news media released informatio­n.


Donald Trump Jr.: “Kush, you got the email I sent?” Kushner: “Didn’t read it.” Trump Jr.: “Cool. Want to go to a meeting you know nothing about?” Kushner: “I’m down.”


Cannot trust Kushner or anyone on the Trump team — they lie and spin. They’ve squandered all credibilit­y.


Kushner and the others being investigat­ed are waiting for the president to fire special counsel Robert Mueller.


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