In sexual assault cases on campus, we need to protect the rights of all students

- KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor KC Johnson, a Brooklyn College professor, and Stuart Taylor, a contributi­ng editor at National Journal, co-authored Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America’s Universiti­es.

In a series of meetings last month, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos signaled strong disagreeme­nt with the Obama administra­tion’s aggressive erosion of due process protection­s for college students accused of sexual assault. While deploring the horrors of the offense, DeVos added that “a system without due process protection­s … serves no one.”

This was a welcome change from the decrees issued in 2011 by the Obama-era Office for Civil Rights (OCR), which told colleges to avoid any due process safeguards that would “restrict or unnecessar­ily delay the protection­s provided by Title IX” to accusers.

Surveying the damage to fundamenta­l fairness from the Obama-era policies, a recent study by UCLA professor John Villasenor concluded that an innocent student has as much as a one-inthree chance of being found guilty by today’s campus sexual assault tribunals.


The policy proceeded from the counterfac­tual claim that sex crimes — which are no doubt a serious problem — were sweeping through the nation’s campuses like an epidemic. In fact, the number declined dramatical­ly from 1994 to 2010.

With vocal support from President Obama and Vice President Biden, the OCR used this myth to reinterpre­t Title IX, the statute barring sex discrimina­tion at schools that receive federal funds.

The OCR ordered universiti­es to use the lowest possible standard of proof (prepondera­nce of evidence, or 50.01%) and allow accusers to appeal not-guilty findings. It also discourage­d colleges from allowing cross-examinatio­n of the accusers, and urged institutio­ns to deny the accused any right to a hearing by giving all power to a single bureaucrat to act as investigat­or, prosecutor, judge and jury.

During DeVos’ meetings, the accusers’ rights organizati­on Know Your IX organized a protest outside the Department of Education, demanding a blanket retention of Obama’s policies. The group was joined by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., who maintained that “if Secretary DeVos rolls back these protection­s, justice will not be possible.”

This from a senator who had publicly described former Columbia student Paul Nungesser as a “rapist” even after he was cleared by both the university and police.

Ironically, as Gillibrand was protesting outside the Education Department, a New York appellate court upheld a lawsuit by an accused student against Skidmore College. In 2015, the Skidmore accuser told college officials that a male student had forced her to perform oral sex 21 months previously. The fivejudge panel faulted the college for giving weight to “little more than gossip,” and ordered Skidmore to readmit him and expunge his disciplina­ry record.


Skidmore was the 53rd college or university to find itself on the losing end of a lawsuit filed by an accused student in the past four years. This body of law — virtually ignored by the news media — is striking given the traditiona­l reluctance of courts to secondgues­s college disciplina­ry actions.

Despite suggestion­s by defenders of Obama policies that colleges have responded to these court decisions by creating fairer procedures for accused students, schools have actually scaled back the rights promised to the accused. In May 2016, The National Associatio­n of College and University Attorneys published a research note urging colleges and universiti­es to “promptly destroy” documents such as “emails … staff notes … notes of hearing participan­ts during a disciplina­ry hearing, drafts of hearing outcome reports and other such working papers,” all of which “might actually prove very useful to a plaintiff ’s lawyer” in a subsequent lawsuit.

In a ruling against Brandeis University last year, U.S. District Judge F. Dennis Saylor wrote that if a student “is to be marked for life as a sexual predator, it is reasonable to require that he be provided a fair opportunit­y to defend himself and an impartial arbiter to make that decision. ... A fair determinat­ion ... requires a fair process, not tilted to favor a particular outcome, and a fair and neutral fact-finder.”

The past six years have shown that condemnati­ons will greet any effort to establish a fairer campus system, one that will protect the rights of innocent accused students as well as of the victims. But fairness is what we need. And while a shift in federal policy will not, alone, restore justice on campus, it’s a necessary first step.

 ?? EVELYN HOCKSTEIN, THE WASHINGTON POST, VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Katherine Davis joins the demonstrat­ion outside the Department of Education in Washington last month.
EVELYN HOCKSTEIN, THE WASHINGTON POST, VIA GETTY IMAGES Katherine Davis joins the demonstrat­ion outside the Department of Education in Washington last month.

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