In his column “Using medical terms to

- Joshua Miller, University of Georgia Professor of psychology Athens, Ga. Donald Lynam, Purdue University Distinguis­hed psychology professor West Lafayette, Ind. Scott Lilienfeld, Emory University Professor of psychology Atlanta

mislabel Donald Trump won’t stop his mad presidency,” Allen Frances argues that mental illness and “bad behavior” are antithetic­al, with the suggestion that President Trump is “bad, not mad.”

We believe it does a disservice to public discussion­s of mental illness to create a false dichotomy between “mad” vs. “bad,” given that these kinds of behaviors and symptoms sometimes co-occur. It is certainly true that many individual­s with mental illness do not manifest “bad” behaviors that harm others. Neverthele­ss, some mental disorders are characteri­zed and even defined by behaviors that harm others — bad behaviors in Dr. Frances’ words.

This is true of “externaliz­ing ” or “antagonism-based” conditions, including antisocial, psychopath­ic and narcissist­ic personalit­y disorders, which tend to cause others harm and distress via aggression, cheating, manipulati­on and other antisocial behaviors.

These individual­s often do not experience distress themselves. Ultimately, individual­s, including politician­s, can simultaneo­usly cause serious problems for others and be mentally disordered (i.e., be bad and mad).

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