Trump can’t hide behind his staff forever


Early in his administra­tion, the White House stated that @realDonald­Trump tweets constitute the official word of President Trump. As a scholar of presidenti­al rhetoric, it seems obvious to me that just like a formal speech with ghostwrite­rs, it ultimately doesn’t matter who helps craft Trump’s tweets. Once published, the words are his. Trump owns them, and they’re a permanent part of the public record. Therefore, regardless of attorney John Dowd now taking responsibi­lity, it was the president who declared on Friday that he fired Michael Flynn because he lied to Vice President Pence and the FBI. Intent was communicat­ed and hence a prima facie case for obstructio­n of justice mounts. For the White House to now claim that Trump can’t be charged is laughable. The rule of law will prevail. Richard Cherwitz Austin

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