Clinging to guns, religion and Mueller

What Trump doesn’t get: We’re a nation of laws

- Rick Hall

I am an Alabamian and a lifelong conservati­ve. I am 56 and have never voted for a Democrat in a presidenti­al election. I am a white, middle-age attorney living and working where I was born. I’m an evangelica­l Christian. I am pro-life. I cling to my guns and religion.

Some may call me a “deplorable.” My life is a caricature of a Donald Trump supporter. But I am not. I never have been. From day one, I knew enough about his celebrity act, his business and personal practices, and his prior support of liberal causes to know he was not a person I would want as commander in chief.

President Trump has lived his entire life as a man to whom the rules do not apply, be they rules of polite behavior, rules of marital fidelity, rules against sexual exploitati­on and rules of law. The president now threatens to be the judge of his own campaign’s conduct, acting as a medieval king who is above the law and takes what he wants, answering to no one. When a man reveals his true character, believe him, and react accordingl­y.

My reaction: Trump’s attack on the investigat­ion headed by special counsel Robert Mueller is wrong, and fails to put America first. He and his campaign are subject to scrutiny for wrongdoing, just like every other American. Far from the investigat­ion being a disgrace as the president claims, it would be a disgrace to not thoroughly evaluate possible wrongdoing.

I seriously doubt the president colluded with any Russians, and he knows best what a completed investigat­ion will reveal on that point. I do not have that same confidence level in his subordinat­es. Insistence on a thorough vetting would be putting America first.

I naively thought Trump’s campaign was over when he slandered Arizona Sen. John McCain’s service because he was captured with his body broken into pieces. It obviously was not. Now Trump is attacking another decorated war hero, Mueller, who despite being wounded in battle as a young man, kept heroically leading his troops. Since his military service, Mueller has spent decades in public service acclaimed by all — especially Republican­s.

The efforts to delegitimi­ze the investigat­ion represent a precursor to ending the investigat­ion by presidenti­al fiat. We’re reading a page from Bill and Hillary Clinton’s playbook to attack those who investigat­e wrongdoing and witnesses who speak to that misconduct. God has a sense of humor: Trump’s base, in its hatred of the Clintons, nominated and elected the only Republican who can approach the Clintons in mendacity and dishonor.

And the dishonesty cannot be understate­d. Trump falsely states that Mueller — a lifelong Republican — has a conflict of interest, without bothering to identify that conflict. Perhaps the “conflict” is the gall to aggressive­ly investigat­e his campaign and associates.

The president also claims the investigat­ion is “headed up by the all Democrat loyalists, or people that worked for Obama.” Fact check: None of them worked for former president Barack Obama, any more than they now work for Trump. If employment during any given administra­tion translates to bias for federal officials, can we then say that Trump is being investigat­ed by his own employees who are biased for him? The reality is that any experience­d public servant will serve under multiple administra­tions.

Most egregiousl­y, the president has stated that the Mueller investigat­ion is “an attack on our country in a true sense, it’s an attack on what we all stand for.” This statement provides a succinct example of why I disagreed with his Republican nomination and object to much of his current “leadership.” While claiming to make America great, he does not know what already has made America great — we are a nation of laws, not men. That is what we stand for: equality of all before the law. The Mueller investigat­ion goes to the very core of why America has been a beacon of freedom over two centuries.

We should all let Trump know we are Americans, not loyal subjects. Let the Mueller investigat­ion run its course, and let the chips fall where they may.

Rick Hall is an attorney and a legal adviser to Republican­s for the Rule of Law.

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