We’re working diligently to protect elections

- Jim Condos Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos is president of the National Associatio­n of Secretarie­s of State.

Voting is the bedrock of our democracy.

Let’s start by looking back at the moment when the Department of Homeland Security notified us secretarie­s of state that 21 election systems had been attacked by Russian cyber agents in 2016, and that one state’s voter registrati­on database had been breached.

Focus turned to the one breached state, but it’s important to recognize that 20 states defended, and defended well. We were doing our jobs.

We were in good shape then, and we’re in even better shape today.

Cybersecur­ity is at the forefront of our minds.

While I can’t speak to election practices in every state, we are all working diligently to protect the integrity of our elections. This includes regular cyberhygie­ne scans, risk and vulnerabil­ity assessment­s, penetratio­n tests, routine communicat­ion with the Department of Homeland Security and FBI, and participat­ion in the recently establishe­d Election Infrastruc­ture Government Coordinati­ng Council to share vital informatio­n on possible threats.

An Election Infrastruc­ture Informatio­n Sharing and Analysis Center also became operationa­l this year, including all 50 states and more than 1,100 local/ county jurisdicti­ons. Most states and many local government­s have put traffic monitors on their election networks to detect anomalies.

In Vermont, every vote cast is supported by a voter-marked paper ballot. Since 2006, we’ve conducted a postelecti­on audit after every general election. Our vote tabulators are not connected to each other or the internet by Wi-Fi or hardwire. We back up our voter registrati­on database daily, and same-day registrati­on ensures that no voter will be turned away on Election Day. I consider these best practices.

These efforts are only a small part of our comprehens­ive security plan, but we can always do better.

Cybersecur­ity is like a race without a finish line. To be successful defending from this ever evolving threat, states need ongoing, sustainabl­e resources to protect our democracy into the future.

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