Walker County Messenger



vide for all communitie­s in this county. I do not have to play favorites because of campaign contributo­rs that expect political favors in exchange for said contributi­ons. The people of Walker County should expect a commission­er that will treat all of the people as equals no matter where they live. As commission­er, I will treat the community of Villanow the same as the Chickamaug­a community. Every taxpayer in this county pays their fair share and should expect equal benefit and services to be provided. I will personally work with community leaders and strive to have our communitie­s working together in order to make Walker County the home that we all want and a place where people from outside our county want to come and raise their families.

Q: For years, Walker County has had some of the lowest tax rates in the state. Noone enjoys paying taxes, but everyone wants services. How can the public receive the services it expects while holding the line on tax hikes? How can you make a difference?

A: As time progresses, just like the cost of living increases, so does the cost of services. Everything gets a little more expensive. I, just like the majority of hardworkin­g individual­s in this county, understand that taxes must be levied in order to provide our basic services. Unfortunat­ely, much of our tax revenue has been used on projects instead of these basic services. We can no longer afford to have leadership that spends our money with complete disregard of the citizens’ needs and wishes, and with little benefit to the general population of Walker County. As commission­er, I will manage the department­s within Walker County efficientl­y while providing the best services possible. I would agree that no one enjoys paying taxes, but I also believe that we all know that it is necessary and most people don’t mind paying their fair share as long as the money is being spent appropriat­ely on our needed services. As a taxpayer myself, it is how I expect government to run and I will hold myself to this standard.

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