Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Fake prophets doing society a disservice


EDITOR — While everybody is seized with how to deal with the drought and its attendant food shortages, little is being done about people’s spiritual health.

The youths are the most effected, what with porn movies and drugs being cheaply availed to them on the local market? Most men of the cloth have fallen for the devil’s most effective bait, the ‘honey trap’.

Everyday, the print media is awash with cases of adultery and rape involving pastors and prophets.

Instead of being marriage counsellor­s, some are now marriage wreckers. Who shall rein in the wayward youths when the clergy is chasing after women and money?

In churches every sermon is now tainted with monetary issues. We need fishers of men not dollars.

Nude parties and alcohol abuse have become part of life for today’s youths, spiritual nourishmen­t and preaching the Word is now under ‘any other business’.

The harvest is big but true workers are scarce. May true prophets stand up? Thomas Murisa.

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