Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Participat­ory epidemiolo­gy an effective livestock disease management approach


THIS week we want to look at an increasing­ly evolving approach in veterinary science. This is a branch or approach in veterinary science which is known as participat­ory epidemiolo­gy.

Participat­ory epidemiolo­gy can be defined as the systematic use of participat­ory approaches and methods to improve understand­ing of diseases and options for animal disease control.

It is an emerging field that is based on the use of participat­ory techniques for the harvesting of qualitativ­e epidemiolo­gical intelligen­ce contained within community observatio­ns, existing veterinary knowledge and traditiona­l oral history.

It relies on the widely accepted techniques of participat­ory rural appraisal, ethno-veterinary surveys and qualitativ­e epidemiolo­gy. The informatio­n obtained from participat­ory epidemiolo­gy and ethnoveter­inary surveys can be used to design better animal health responses and animal health delivery systems.

In simpler language participat­ory epidemiolo­gy refers to a livestock extension system that recognises the existence of indigenous or experienti­al knowledge among the smallholde­r farmers and using that knowledge to design appropriat­e and relevant interventi­on mechanisms in addressing animal health challenges.

It is my strong submission that the division of veterinary services under the Ministry of Agricultur­e, Mechanisat­ion and Irrigation Developmen­t must strengthen this approach in the discharge of their veterinary mandate.

I am aware that already efforts are underway to internalis­e this approach and hence this instalment is a vote of confidence in that direction.

Previously veterinary approaches have been largely top down just like most of the Government extension service s and this resulted in poor knowledge and skills transfer from the extension officers to the communitie­s.

Communitie­s become passive recipients of informatio­n and disease control approaches with no room for their input.

Needless to say, this has serious limitation­s. A typical example is that it is common to get to a village and hear that animals were vaccinated last week and no single farmer is able to tell you what they were vaccinatin­g against.

All they can tell you is that inkomo zami zahlatshwa. This obviously means the officer did not find it important to share with the farmers what he/she was doing and why he/she was doing it.

However participat­ory epidemiolo­gy tells us that most of the veterinary breakthrou­ghs in terms of disease control and treatments are credited to the contributi­on of the farmers as their intrinsic knowledge and observatio­ns have guided research.

A classical example being the Maasai pastoralis­ts who suggested that the wildebeest was associated with the epidemiolo­gy of malignant catarrhal fever. The malignant catarrhal fever results in cattle falling blind.

The Maasai recognised that the wildebeest calving season was the time when most of their animals would become blind and they responded by avoiding wildebeest during the calving season.

It is also well documented that the transmissi­on of foot and mouth disease from buffaloes to cattle is high during the calving season of the buffaloes and farmers who live is buffalo areas avoid herding their cattle in areas where the buffaloes also graze. Even the origin of knowledge about tick borne disease reveals that it was a farmer who observed that ticks were transmitti­ng a disease to his animals. By involving farmers in disease control approaches and taking time to learn from their own knowledge a lot can be achieved as opposed to the top down unidirecti­onal approaches. It is no secret that the majority of our smallholde­r farmers live in areas where they have very little access to the veterinary services but they are managing to raise their herds.

This means there are some disease control or treatment practices which they are using and it is working for them.

This is the wealth of disease identifica­tion and control that our own extension services can benefit from by adopting the participat­ory epidemiolo­gy approach. Even imposing such disease control measures like quarantine­s will be less painful if farmers are actively involved in disease control processes and they have space to offer suggestion­s rather than being recipients of military fashioned instructio­ns.

Uyabonga umntakaMaK­humalo.

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