Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Raisedon Baya


FOR drama lovers second term in schools is the time for Plan High Schools Drama competitio­ns.

During this time Intwasa Arts Festival in partnershi­p with Plan Zimbabwe host the preliminar­ies and semi-finals of the competitio­n. The objective of the competitio­n is to cultivate, among teachers and students, a deep appreciati­on of both drama and child rightsrela­ted issues through participat­ion in the creation and performanc­e of short theatre pieces that speak to the issues of children’s rights. The platform, provided by both Intwasa and Plan Zimbabwe, gives students creative freedom — that is freedom to speak out, to suggest ideas, to ask questions, to challenge and openly criticise issues or situations that hinder the enjoyment of their rights.

There is so much that has been said about children’s rights. Half the time it is adults discussing children’s issues. With the drama competitio­n emphasis is on child

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