The Herald (Zimbabwe)

No Holy ghost, no visitation

- Bishop Dr B. Manjoro

IT’s exciting to be a part of the church. For the church to be church, the Holy Ghost must be involved! For the church to be powerful, the Holy Ghost must be involved! For the church to see visions, to see angels, the Spirit of God must be involved!

We need the Holy Ghost, because power, healing and deliveranc­e is in the Holy Ghost.

Without the Holy Ghost, there is no visitation!

Acts 2;1-3: “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them”.

When this day had fully come, the disciples were in one place and praying. Jesus had already gone.

They were tarrying for the Promise of the Father.

Without the Holy Ghost, it’s difficult to pray all night, words will run out.

But when you are filled by the Holy Ghost oh oh oh! What you must not miss when you come to the church is the Holy Ghost! He is powerful. He came on Isaiah, Samuel and the prophets, but in this dispensati­on, he made earth his headquarte­rs!

He is not just upon us, He is in us.

Old and young should be filled!

When he fills you, he gives you ability to speak in other tongues.

Don’t just move your lips without speaking.

If it’s your first time, you have got to speak for the tongues to come out.

There was a sound, and pieces of fire fell upon each one of them.

Zvimoto zvikauya izvi church yese inozara nesimba!

I don’t know who first saw chimoto!

If you see the church well-behaved, it means the Holy Ghost is being limited and braked. We remove the breaks today.

I always think that Peter was the first to see the tongue of fire.

Most things he was the first to do or experience or ask, so I suspect he opened his eyes after the noise and saw the tongue of fire! Someone it’s your day today. Don’t say ah I don’t think I will receive fire today because I bit up my child in the morning!

Come on, as I’m preaching, in you just say sorry Lord, I don’t want to miss the fire here!

The whole congregati­on saw the pieces of fire coming down.

There is no seeing angels without the Holy Ghost. There is no visitation without the Holy Ghost.

This whole house is being filled by the Holy Ghost and fire! Kana tada kuti this year rive gore revisitati­on, the Holy Ghost must be in abundance.

Mweya Mutsvene anofanira kuwanda.

Zvanga zvakakutsi­kirira zvinodonha zvega kana auya Mweya Mutsvene.

What was little? Anything binding you will fall off when the Holy Ghost touches you!

When the Holy Ghost is there, you see some devils just picking bags and saying let’s go home, this church is not habitable!

When He comes, some devils you just see them manifest on their own and leave with no one talking to them.

There is nothing as exciting as the Holy Ghost!

We were once filled praying on a mountain in Warren Hills.

My other friend began to climb, we asked him where are he was going and he said he was going to heaven. Hahaha

Kana auya hake! Oooo when he comes!

As I’m speaking, open your heart, tell him Holy Ghost you are free to take over.

Holy Ghost, you are free to take over! Take over my life, take over my heart. It’s not good to stay in a church like this and not experience the Holy Ghost and fire!

The Bible says that all were filled!

Don’t hold back when He comes no no no! all of us, we begin to speak in tongues.

The Holy Ghost is going to give you utterance with a different tongue that you don’t even understand.

Oooh, you are going to be excited.

Sickness and disease is going to depart and disappear!

Misoro yaitema inonyarara, misana inopora, makumbo airamba kufamba anofamba.

O hallelujah, desire the Holy Ghost!

Mark 10; 27: “For with God all things are possible”.

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