Andan Global City: a thriving home for refugees

- Tina Savic The Andan Foundation, Switzerlan­d

Today, the world is spending billions of dollars each year in dead-end, protracted refugee management with camps and urban settings that maintain precarious conditions and no perspectiv­es for its inhabitant­s. This puts great strain on host communitie­s and often creates negative reactions, leads to desperatio­n, criminalit­y, and in some cases breeding terrorism. We have seen desperate people crossing the sea at the risk of death. No one does that unless the situation at home is unbearable. No one chooses to be a refugee. No one wants to live 17 years, on average, in a refugee camp without any perspectiv­e for the future.

We aim at no less than completely turn around the way we look at refugees and migrants, and not just see in them people who were forced to leave their homes, are desperate and will be a problem and a burden for us. We see in them people like you and me but in another situation. We see people who are in fact focused to reconstruc­t their lives and their communitie­s and highly motivated to work, contribute, and to build their future and the future of their children.

Refugees and other migrants forced to leave their homelands managed to succeed in countries like the United States, which thanks to its open immigratio­n policies over centuries became one of the most successful nations in the world on most counts – offering migrants from around the world a new future, a new beginning. We all know the Statue of Liberty in New York and the famous words inscribed on its base, words penned in 1883:

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Today, there is no safe country where people can easily go, and where they are welcome. What we need is again a safe harbour, a new place where refugees and other migrants forced to leave their homes receive the opportunit­y to live, work, study, create, start businesses, and build new lives for themselves and their families.

We need free Global Cities – autonomous, self-governed subnationa­l entities that provide a safe environmen­t, rule of law, and that will create wealth and prosperity for its citizens as well as for the nations hosting them. Therefore, we already have done a significan­t study to establish the key parameters and legal and economic ramificati­ons. We are also actively engaged with several government­s around the world, as well as with a few major investors who are prepared to finance the establishm­ent of the first free Global City, which will also provide a decent return on capital from private investors. We are convinced that this is the model for the future given the ongoing and expanding conflicts around the globe and the increasing challenges of climate change which will lead to much larger numbers of displaced people.

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