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QUESTIONS OF MENTALITY Dear Andrew [Graham-Yooll], I read your article ‘Welcome to Buenos Aires’ [ Times, #62, 03/11/2018] and it always saddens me that nothing has changed in Argentina.

My Italian father emigrated to Australia (via Argentina) in 1964 with my Argentine mother, arriving six months later and all three children were born and raised in Sydney. The hardships my parents faced as immigrants include (but are not limited to) discrimina­tion and racism, employment as unskilled labourers due to their lack of proficienc­y in English, no family networks etc. However, they have no remorse in leaving Argentina as they live in stress-free comfort as pensioners in their adopted country.

I have travelled to Argentina on average every five years to see my extended family (I am now 50) and every time I have visited, sadness envelopes me as I witness Argentina’s standard of living deteriorat­e. The instabilit­y and corruption of successive government­s is obvious to outsiders and it commences as soon as you walk through immigratio­n gates at Ezeiza.

But how do you change this mentality of the typical Argentino?

Regards, Adriana Luisa Sydney, Australia ANGLO- GERMAN RECONCILIA­TION Sirs: I loved your report on the coming ceremonies at Chacarita. There was a very important precedent in the constructi­on of the Anglo-German Cemetery at Los Polvorines. My German father had been on the Anglo-German planning committee many decades ago.

As for Argentine participat­ion next 11/11 it is well to remember that the government never penalised those Argentine-born volunteers who flouted a law forbidding their service in foreign armies; it passed a law and decree absolving and rewarding them in 1919 (see: https:// and 1945 (see: lways/Decree1945.HTM)

Moreover, nobody seems to have questioned Argentine neutrality during World War II in spite of the service by the Argentine-British RAF Squadron (see: https:// Sylvester Damus Ottawa, Canada


What’s wrong with the world’s leaders nowadays?

Just listen to Donald Trump, “fingering” a CNN journalist, while saying: “That’s enough! Put down the mike: You’re a rude, terrible person,” among other things. A rude person? Look who’s talking! The world’s press should come out and expose this man’s acts of censorship. Then French President Emmanuel Macron, paying homage – of all people – to a Nazi collaborat­or, Philippe Pétain.

And hereabouts, President Mauricio Macri, publicly stating that he wanted visiting supporters to be able to attend the “Superclási­co,” as if he didn’t have other important issues to deal with.

Beyond words. I feel like singing along with the Arctic Monkeys: “Stop the world, I wanna get off …” Irene Bianchi Ringuelet, La Plata www.irenebianc­ THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE: PART XXI Dear Sirs, Oh, dear, yet another snub: President Trump will only allow us 24 hours of his previous time, during the forthcomin­g G20 jamboree. This, on top of Brazilian President-elect Jaír Bolsonaro preferring Chile to us, as his first port of call. Is there no justice in this cruel world? Apparently, not!!!

But, lo and behold, the almighty dollar appears to be temporaril­y tamed. But, for how long? That’s the US$50-billion question, and no mistake!!!

Bust wishes, David Parsons Via email

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