Perfil (Sabado)

US Embassy celebrates Fourth of July in style with Texan barbeque


Beginning at six in the morning June 29, one could smell smoked Texan brisket coming from the Palacio Bosch, the residence of the US Ambassador to Argentina, Edward Prado.

The ambassador chose to throw a celebratio­n inspired by his native state Texas, several days ahead of his country’s independen­ce day.

In his speech, Prado declared that “without a doubt,” relations between the US and Argentina “have never been stronger than they are today.”

“Our shared values have allowed us to collaborat­e on matters of democracy, human rights, security, co mm er ce, in vestm en tandcultur al and education exchange,” the ambassador, who represents US Presi

dent Donald Trump in Argentina, said. “We collaborat­e on many levels, from satellites to the developmen­t of [the] Vaca Muerta [shale formation].”

The former judge also highlighte­d that one out of every 44 Argentines – some one million people – visited the US last year, while around 500,000 US citizens visited Argentina in the last 12 months. He also reminded the crowd that the United States is Argentina’s largest outside investor.

Representa­tives from some of the over 300 US companies that operate in Argentina were present at the event.

Addressing the crisis in Venezuela, Ambassador Prado said that “the same passion for liberty that one sees in the open arms of the statue of liberty, I see in the warm reception that the Argentine community has given to Venezuelan­s fleeing from a cruel dictatorsh­ip.”

Many prominent politician­s, journalist­s, business leaders and diplomats were presentat theevent, including Security Minister Patricia Bullrich, outsider presidenti­al candidate José Luis Espert and British Ambassador Mark Kent.

Regarding the theme of the event, the ambassador likened the Embassy’s barbeque to an Argentina asado, adding humorously that the exception was that Argentines “have your meat with wine where as we have it with beer.”

 ??  ?? US Ambassador Edward Prado (top right) hosted the July 4 celebratio­ns at the Palacio Bosch in Buenos Aires.
US Ambassador Edward Prado (top right) hosted the July 4 celebratio­ns at the Palacio Bosch in Buenos Aires.

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