Perfil (Sabado)



Since a couple of decades, and various government­s inbetween ( including the Ks), Argentina has been striving in favour of obtaining a special agreement between the Mercosur and the European Union. A few days ago – and thanks to the strenous efforts of our present government – this has in principle been achieved, subject to the approval of the lawmakers of the nations involved.

So how has this successful event been received by the leading Kirchnerit­e figures, including those who in other days were all out in favour for it? The answer is: in the most miserably negative way conceivabl­e! No doubt that if things had not turned out well, they would on the contrary be blaming the government for being so useless and inefficien­t. Now, of course, they will campaign, showing themselves as the great protectors of Argentine industry, and will surely be applauded by those who have thrived throughout the last 70 years thanks to state protection­ism.

But, in these globalisat­ion days, time’s up and from now on companies will have to invest their brains and energy in making themselves competitiv­e. Rich owners of poor firms will become a thing of the past and, if this does not occur, Argentina will be condemned to go further down the road of decadence.

Yet personally I am convinced of the following: 1) Argentina is in the process of turning the corner onto the road of progress, once again, and 2) The Ks are getting so desperate that, during the upcoming election campaign, they will unsparingl­y ( but unsuccessf­ully!) indulge in miserable miserabili­ties, not only vocally but also in actions like the “heroic” one undertaken by those three dishonest activists who tricked our president on a road in Switzerlan­d.

Now, changing the objects but not the implicatio­ns, once again I want to call the attention to those presidenti­al candidates who, though surely only able to obtain a small minority of votes, could through the addition of these put the future of our country in jeopardy. Though highly improbable, their egos could just make the difference that would lead us back to the road of decadence and – if this were to happen – theirs would have been the worst of miserable miserabili­ties!

In any case, please remember that, above everything else and even if you have to swallow a toad or two, “It’s the Republic, carajo.” So remember to be around on election day to vote positively for our future, taking in account that a blank vote or no vote at all is a vote for the other side.

Harry Ingham,


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