Perfil (Sabado)

My name is bond, ‘reprofiled’ bond


Back to the future in Argentina means not paying debt on time. So back to the future it is. Like so many times before the nation is now pleading with bondholder­s to reschedule its obligation­s. How did this happen? On Saturday, President Mauricio Macri was thanking a large crowd for expressing their support in Plaza de Mayo, even after the punishing 49.55-32.97 defeat in the August 11 presidenti­al primaries to Peronist hopeful Alberto Fernández. Come Wednesday, the newly appointed Finance Minister Hernán Lacunza was announcing a plan to reschedule much of Argentina’s debt, including its loan agreement with the Internatio­nalMonetar­yFund(IMF).

Do you have money in the bank here? Bat an eyelid at your own risk. Lacunza announced a “reprofilin­g” of debt, a plan to postpone Argentina’s mammoth obligation­s. The technicali­ties abound, but Lacunza opened the press conference by directing political darts at Alberto Fernández, implying that he had behaved irresponsi­bly since win

ning the primaries causing the monetary storm. It’s an emergency, but the Macri administra­tion officials are somehow still throwing electoral jabs.

Now back to that Plaza de Mayo demonstrat­ion “spontaneou­sly” organised by Macri’s supporters on Saturday night. The march came out of nowhere (really meaning, social media agitation) and it effectivel­y served as a desperate rallying-cry for the depleted forces of the defeated centre-right coalition to close ranks. An elated Macri, flanked by First Lady Juliana Awada, waved from a presidenti­al palace balcony and shouted (no microphone was available) to the euphoric crowd that he was ready to put up a fight in the first round presidenti­al election scheduled for October 27. At one point Macri joined his hands in prayer and looked up to the night sky as if searching for enough divine strength to pull off a political miracle in October. The street demonstrat­ions are unlikely to alter the election result, but they could serve as a boost and buy some momentum for the centre-right coalition, which needs to win congressio­nal seats even if it loses the presidency.

The energy shot of the street demonstrat­ions for the centre-right could secure victory in its bastion, Buenos Aires City Mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta is seeking reelection and he needs to win with over 50 percent of the vote to avoid a run-off. He scored a 46-30 victory in the primaries over his Peronist rival Matías Lammens, but the mayor risks being swept by the opposition landslide.

Macri’s feverish Saturday night did not stop the week from going its course. On Monday the problems had not gone away: the same debt was waiting there to be serviced. Plus an IMF mission was in town meeting with Lacunza’s team, and also with Alberto Fernández. The IMF was here to review the situation with a US$5.4-billion payment pending next month.

Alberto Fernández’s economists were not in a friendly mood and issued a statement, after a meeting with the mission, that accused the IMF of lending Macri money simply to pay for rampant capital flight. What ensued was a barrage of leaks saying Fernández’s meeting with the IMF officials included talk about a supposed “vacuum of power” generated by the August 11 primary result and discussion­s about early elections. The rumours snowballed into speculatio­n the IMF wanted a faster transition. The fright triggered by those rumours forced an IMF spokesman to issue a late-night denial about any talks with Fernández about a snap presidenti­al vote.

Something was lost in translatio­n when Alberto Fernández and the IMF met (maybe the mission had

When volatile Argentina shudders, its peso currency is thumped. The dollar deposit drain, a hushed issue that nobody wants to talk about in the open, is not slowing down.

simply said something about Macri being a lame duck?).

Macri and Fernández had managed two amiable telephone conversati­ons after the August 11 upset. The WhatsApp diplomacy between the two foes had temporaril­y helped to calm the markets down. But the president’s histrionic posturing to the crowds in Plaza de Mayo and the Peronist statement after the talks with the IMF killed the truce.

Whenvo la ti le Argent in ashudders, its peso currency is thumped. On Wednesday the Central Bank threw about US$360 million at the greenback. The dollar deposit drain, a hushed issue that nobody wants to talk about in the open, is not slowing down. Macri huddled with his economic team repeatedly looking for options.

The result was Lacunza’s politicall­y-charged press conference on Wednesday afternoon. A debt “reprofilin­g” bill, a swap of bonds issued under local legislatio­n, will now be sent to Congress for approval. The catch, however, is that Macri’s centre-right coalition does not control Congress. The president is effectivel­y asking the Peronist opposition to approve its rescheduli­ng swap plan. But how likely is such a parliament­ary debate? The oppo si ti oncould se ei tasa ne lector alambushju­stw he ni tisabout to win it. On Thursday morning, Macri was still speaking like a candidate. He blamed the primary result for the crisis and voiced hope of a recovery.

The minister’s rescheduli­ng plan, decreed by Macri, spared individual­s holding short-term Treasury bills (Letes and others) who will be paid in full, but not institutio­nal investors. Presumably “voluntaril­y reprofilin­g” US$50 billion of long-term debt will mean the Central Bank reserves can also cover for dollar deposits held by clients in local banks.

The impression is that local and foreign banks and their powerful associates have momentaril­y lost out, meaning that the markets could now come to the conclusion that Macri is indeed a lame duck who can kiss re-election goodbye. The IMF said after Lacunza’s press conference it will stand by Argentina to face the challenges ahead. Talks will open for the repayment of US$44 billion owed to the IMF.

Argentina is once more a junkyard full of worthless bonds. It’s happened before: rescheduli­ng, reprofilin­g, call it what you will. It’s the same old story redux, the debt swap reloaded, the sequel of the 2001 meltdown (almost). It could end up being a default by any other name. The Central Bank reserves are finite and default, especially the Argent in ekind, is notawordlo­st in translatio­n to the world.

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