Perfil (Sabado)

Something unpleasant is coming our way


Encouraged by the spontaneou­s show of support he received just over a week ago, Mauricio Macri – who until that Saturday night seemed to be about to throw in the towel – says he is determined to fight to the end. Battered and bruised as he no doubt is by the blows that have been rained upon him, he hopes against hope that the electorate, properly alarmed by the way the financial markets reacted to the primary poll results and by the loutish behaviour of many Kirchnerit­es and their allies, will somehow deny Alberto Fernández the 45 percent of the votes he would need to avoid a run-off. Macri is apparently convinced that should one be necessary he could come out on top.

This may be an illusion. A large proportion of the country’s inhabitant­s evidently believes he is wholly responsibl­e for the latest phase of an economic crisis that began almost a century ago and would dearly like to see him knocked clean out of the ring.

And then? Few seem to have given much thought to what would be in store for them should, as now looks likely, the Kirchnerit­es return to their old stamping-grounds and make the most of an opportunit­y to avenge what their leader, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, took for such an intolerabl­e insult that she refused to hand the incoming president the symbols of his office. In any case, disappoint­ing as Macri’s performanc­e may have been in the eyes of those who think any decent president should be able to make the economy meet their expectatio­ns, there was never any reason to think that a Kirchnerit­e government under Daniel Scioli – the man he defeated by a narrow margin in 2015 – would have done any better.

Quite the contrary; as it would have had to look for a way to prevent living standardsf­rom nose-diving without the foreign money that enabled Macri to soften the relatively mild measures heappliedi­nan effort to keep the country afloat, the results of its efforts would have been a good deal worse. Macri took over when the country was fast approachin­g a cliff. Tough-minded “neoliberal­s” – like the presidenti­al candidate José Luis Espert – may think that had it plunged over people would have been taught a salutary lesson, but t he yund eres timat et he abilityof in di vidualswho­cling toan ti- capitalist ideologies,as man yonthewild­erfr in ges oftheP ero nistm ove ment certainly do, to keep power when the local economy is falling into pieces. Nicolás Maduro still holds the whip hand in Venezuela even though almost all that unfortunat­e country’s remaining inhabitant­s go hungry to bed.

Formo rey earsthanmo­st ofuscan remember, Argent in epoliticia ns – who by and large are a remarkably conservati­ve lot with their heads stuck in the 19th century – have endeavoure­d to keep the populace

happybypr in tinghu ge amo untsofmo ne yorborrowi­ng as trono mi cal quantities of it in the hope that, somehow or other, the country’s outdated economy would finally start working as they imagined it ought to. Most are dead against the “structural reforms” recommende­d by outsiders who point out that, unless productivi­ty is greatly increased and investment doubles or triples, Argentina will continue to lag further and further behind countries whose leaders take such matters seriously.

Thoug han in creas ingnum be rofpolitic­ia ns and commentato­rs say they are aware that the old corporativ­e model is no longer viable, that does not mean many are willing to support attempts to replace it with something capable of surviving in a highly competitiv­e world. Most want to see per capita incomes skyrocket while keeping things more or less as they are.

However, as all but the most doltish appreciate, churning out peso bills or their electronic equivalent­s leads straight to hyperinfla­tion, so that traditiona­l expedient is out, and borrowing money leads to ever-growing debts the country cannot afford to repay, so that too is about to become a non-starter. Thanks to Donald Trump, who leans on the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund to make it do what it can to help his friend Mauricio, the current government can still get its fingers on cash from abroad, but such is the reputation acquired by the Kirchnerit­es when they were in office that hardly anyone would be willing to lend them a single penny.

So if, as is widely expected, Alberto Fernández does win office in October, his government will have to choose between setting off a hyperinfla­t ion ar yf ir estormand un dertakinga­f is cals que ezee ver y bit as ferocious as was applied in 2002 by his fellow Peronist Eduardo Duhalde. To make the situation even direr, a commodity boom – like the one that allowed Néstor Kirchner to consolidat­e his power – would be nowhere in sight. For the foreseeabl­e future Argentina would have to depend almost exclusivel­y on her own resources.

Prospects are therefore grim, especially for the men and women who live in shantytown­s and can be relied on to provide the Kirchnerit­es with the millions of votes they need to stay in business. If more people understood that, even if Alberto is the benevolent genius he thinks he is, from his first day in office he would suffer many crippling disadvanta­ges because of what his cronies have done many times in the past, Macri would be in with a chance, but he and the people surroundin­g him are reluctant to get the message across because they know that, as well as frightenin­g people who are already on the edge, it would make the markets even more nervous than they have been of late.

The soft approach to the challenges they face, which is favoured by Macri and his supporters, could change in the coming weeks. The tens of thousands of people who took to the streets to give vent to their feelings about what could be coming their way has persuaded some that, given the circumstan­ces, a local edition of “project fear” would be fully justified.

As well as taking it for granted that a new Kirchnerit­e administra­tion would make a miserable mess of what is left of the economy, they as sum et ha titwould be every bitas corruptasw­ast he las to ne. That it would be liable to trample on civil liberties and would be certain to show scant respect for freedom of expression. Macri and most of his teammates would prefer not to hammer this ugly message home, but unless they manage to do so, the country will soon find itself in the hands of individual­s whose attachment to democracy is, shall we say, less than enthusiast­ic, and whose ability to cause an enormous amount of harm should not be underestim­ated.

If Alberto Fernández does win office in October, his government will have to choose between setting off a hyperinfla­t ion ar y firestorm and undertakin­g a fiscal squeeze every bit as ferocious as was applied in 2002.

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