Perfil (Sabado)



As of his speech on Sunday, March 15, and the way he is tackling the coronaviru­s crisis, Alberto Fernandez has no longer been seen by the people as Cristina’s puppet. On the contrary, he really seems to have put on his long pants, and has even been able to somewhat close the rift by treating the opposition with the normal respect one expects in a democratic nation.

Unfortunat­ely, just as the country is coming together in these times of World War C, we receive the news that Cristina and her daughter are about to return from Cuba, and with her well known bitter and rancorous nature we can be sure that she will do her utmost to sabotage the improvemen­t in the political atmosphere and, consequent­ly, damage the war effort.

The one person who can prevent this from happening is the president. So it’s up to you, Alberto, to face her and to tell her to go fly a kite and to stop being a nuisance. After all, at least half of those who voted for the Frente de Todos will agree with this so, adding the 40 percent that voted for Juntos para el Cambio to the half of the 48 percent and something that voted the Frente in, you have the backing of 65 percent of Argentina’s population to finally put this creature in the place she deserves: nowhere! Remember: “It’s the Republic, darn it”!

Harry Ingham City

Editor’s note: Due to an unfortunat­e power-cut at the printers last Friday night, we are aware that some copies of last Saturday’s Perfil went out without last week’s edition Buenos Aires Times. The supplement did go out with Sunday’s Perfil, but if you wish to read last week’s edition and haven’t yet seen it, visit Our apologies to everyone, but it really was out of our hands – JG

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