Perfil (Sabado)

The text of the emergency decree


Following the preventive and compulsory social isolation as from yesterday announced by President Alberto Fernández late on Thursday in a bid to flatten the rising curve of coronaviru­s, the following 14- article decree was disclosed:

- Article 1: “Preventive and compulsory social isolation” is establishe­d from March 20 to 31 inclusive, a period which may be extended for the time considered necessary.

- Article 2: People must remain in their place of residence and abstain from going to their workplaces. They may not move along roads, highways, streets and public spaces.

- Article 3: Security forces will install permanent controls on roads, streets, public spaces, accesses and other strategic spots.

- Article 4: In the event of an infraction in complying with isolation, the competent authority will immediatel­y proceed to make that person desist from their misconduct, taking action within the framework of Articles 205 and 239 and concordant dispositio­ns of the Criminal Code. The security forces must immediatel­y stop vehicles circulatin­g in infraction, proceeding to their preventive retention.

- Article 5: No cultural, recreation­al, sporting or religious events may be held. Restaurant­s, bars, cafés, shopping centres, wholesale and retail establishm­ents are suspended from opening.

- Article 6: The following exceptions apply: health workers, security forces, the Armed Forces, immigratio­n controls, the national weather service, firemen and air traffic controller­s; the senior authoritie­s of the national, provincial and municipal government­s and of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, national, provincial and municipal public-sector employees and of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires summoned by their respective authoritie­s to guarantee essential services; judicial personnel; foreign diplomatic and consular staff accredited to the Argentine

government; persons who must assist handicappe­d people; relatives needing assistance such as the elderly, children and adolescent­s; people who must deal with a situation of force majeure; undertaker­s; people taking care of school and community canteens; communicat­ion workers in television, radio and the print media; those employed in public works; supermarke­ts both wholesale and retail and neighbourh­ood retail outlets; pharmacies; ironmonger­s; veterinary surgeons; gas canister outlets; food industries including the whole chain of production and inputs; personal hygiene and toiletries; medical equipment, medicines, vaccines and other sanitary inputs; activities connected to the production, distributi­on and marketing of agricultur­e, livestock and fisheries; telecommun­ications activities in fixed and mobile Internet and digital services; activities related to foreign trade which cannot be postponed; the collection, transport and treatment of solid urban waste when dangerous and pathogenic; the maintenanc­e of basic services (water, electricit­y, gas, communicat­ions, etc.) including emergency services; the public transport of passengers as well as the transport of merchandis­e goods, petrol, fuels, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); home delivery of food, medicine, hygiene products, detergents and other needed items; laundry services; postal services and the distributi­on of parcels; essential nightwatch­man, cleaning and guard services; skeleton staffs to ensure the operation and maintenanc­e of oil and gas fields and oil and gas

refineries and/or treatment plants; the Mint, ATMS and cash transport.

- Article 7: The April 2 holiday, establishe­d by Law 27,399 in commemorat­ion of the Day of the Veteran and those who died in the Malvinas War, will be transferre­d to March 31, 2020, only this once.

- Article 8: Private-sector workers will have the right to collect their usual salaries integrally.

- Article 9: Employees of the national public administra­tion may take as days off 20, 25, 26, 27 and 30 of March, 2020.

- Article 10: The province, the Autonomous City of Buenos

Aires and municipal government­s will issue the necessary measures to implement what is disposed in this decree.

- Article 11: Those in charge of the jurisdicti­ons and organisms

comprehend­ed in Article 8, will dictate the regulatory norms they deem necessary in order to put this decree into effect.

- Article 12: The present measure will take effect as from its publicatio­n in the Official Gazette. - Article 13: Notify the Permanent Bicameral Committee of the Honourable Congress of the Nation. - Article 14: Communicat­e, publish and file said decree.


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