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Hitting the reset button to avoid a new Great Depression

- by AGUSTINO FONTEVECCH­IA Executive Director @agufonte

An overwhelmi­ng majority of the Argentine population approves of President Alberto Fernández’s handling of the global Covid-19 pandemic, a sentiment that is echoed by regional and internatio­nal experts.

While the Fernández administra­tion initially downplayed the risks posed by the novel coronaviru­s – with Health Minister Ginés González García calling dengue the most dangerous public health threat in February – it quickly backtracke­d and swiftly imposed tough measures including a nationwide quarantine and a lockdown of the internatio­nal borders which are expected to add substantia­lly to efforts to “flatten the curve” of both cases and deaths. As President Fernández personally took the lead in the war against the virus, he quickly pushed out a series of policies aimed at reducing the economic impact of a domestic and global sudden stop of economic activity, with a stronger focus on lower income sectors and retirees.

So far so good, it seemed. Yet the emergence of partisan bickering this weekhas tainted what appeared to be one of the most successful state and political reactions to the coronaviru­s crisis, amplified by the botched responses of countries like Spain and Italy, and leaders like Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro.

Unfortunat­ely, even if he gets it exactly right — and he’s far from there yet, particular­ly when it comes to the insufficie­nt economic policy reaction that so far hasn’t steered Argentina away from its own Great Depression, and the fact that our flu season is just around the corner — unless a coordinate­d global response hits the reset button on the global socio-political-economic framework, all of us will end up in the gutter.

As things stand, it is clear that the draconian limitation­s on public circulatio­n imposed in the Chinese city of Wuhan, emulated in several major cities across Southeast Asia, have proven successful at slowing down the virus, while delayed responses – such as those exhibited by government­s across the European Union and the United States – have led to exponentia­l growth and a complete collapse of domestic health systems and ensuing loss of life. Covid-19 is not like the flu and this is not 1917 – the virus’ capacity to cross internatio­nal borders was limitless given global integratio­n, while the sheer size of our older population­s indicate the total death toll will be relatively high. This, in turn, foreshadow­s a tremendous blow to the global economy on the back of deep demand and supply shocks which have outsized impacts on poor and so-called emerging market economies, among them Argentina.

Paradoxica­lly, the imminent destructio­n to economic and social value that is set to hit the whole world over the next several months, in a manner perhaps worse than the Great Depression, can be potentiall­y fully mitigated through cooperatio­n and bold action. It requires visionary leadership, particular­ly from the globe’s major powers, and internatio­nal solidarity unlike the world has ever seen. As the Financial Times’ Martin Wolff noted in a recent column, the novel coronaviru­s outbreak is the first such pandemic since the Spanish flu – only this time we are at peace and the world is enjoying unpreceden­ted wealth. All of this is contingent on the continued effectiven­ess of social distancing and an eventual discovery of some sort of vaccine that renders Covid-19 a controllab­le infectious disease, meaning in the relative shortterm people will be able to go back to work.

Across the globe, experts appear to finally be coming to the realisatio­n that there is no dichotomy between saving lives and protecting the economy. As Internatio­nal Monetary Fund boss Kristalina Georgieva and the World Health Organisati­on’s Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s wrote in a recent op-ed for The Telegraph, public health and the economy go hand-in-hand – particular­ly for the most vulnerable, who will feel the effects of the dual shock: the coronaviru­s pandemic and the economic downturn. Thus, the IMF has increased its emergency funding capacity and it is advocating for an easing and even complete standstill of debt servicing for emerging and poor economies, while prioritisi­ng health expenditur­es. It is currently lending to a record 85 nations, it says.

The risks to the global economy cannot be understate­d. According to the controvers­ial economist Nouriel Roubini, we are in for a “Greater Depression,” with a voracious economic and financial correction that will be faster and deeper than the 2008 crisis and even the Great Depression.

“In those two previous episodes, stock markets collapsed by 50 percent or more, credit markets froze up, massive bankruptci­es followed, unemployme­nt rates soared above 10 percent, and GDP contracted at an annualised rate of 10 percent or more. But all of this took around three years to play out. In the current crisis, similarly dire macroecono­mic and financial outcomes have materializ­ed in three weeks,” Roubini wrote in a recent piece for Project Syndicate. The policy response to the so-called Global Financial Crisis (GFC) set the conditions for market distortion­s that pushed asset prices incredibly high, meaning several sectors of the global economy were highly leveraged, while at the same time limiting central banks’ capacity to respond with even lower interest rates. Several major economies, including Spain and Italy, remain excessivel­y indebted, while emerging market economies have lost the influx of hard currency generated by Chinese and Asian demand for commoditie­s. The United States has lost its way as the global superpower on the back of failed military excursions and a capitalist system that breeds inequality, while China and Russia seek to dispute that power but fail to generate the trust of the internatio­nal community given their greedy and autocratic leadership­s. Iran and North Korea are hotspots of potential bellicose activity, both against and from the US.

In that context, the internatio­nal response to the Covid-19 pandemic has set in motion a vicious cycle of dual supply and demand shocks for which the global economy is not prepared. Quarantine­s and stay-at-home orders have disrupted global supply chains by halting production of goods and the offering of services. “The challenge posed by a supply-side-driven downturn is that it can result in sharp declines in production and widespread bottleneck­s. In that case, generalise­d shortages – something that some countries have not seen since the gas lines of 1970s – could ultimately push inflation up, not down,” explained economist Kenneth Roggoff.

If we are to avert a global economic meltdown that matches or exceeds the Great Depression, it is time for a new level of cooperatio­n that seems unlikely in a context of rising nationalis­m, xenophobia, and the intense polarisati­on of electorate­s. It is imperative that people across the globe continue to have access to essential goods and services while they are respecting quarantine, meaning that either they must retain their jobs or be compensate­d by the government. This is a particular­ly pressing concern for countries like Argentina and India, where a large portion of the population works in the informal sector or black economy. At the same time, government­s must work to avert mass corporate defaults and bankruptci­es, destroying the cumulative value and knowledge generated by companies as the productive nodes of the economy.

Whatever facilities or bailouts the private sector will receive must include explicit conditions that include retaining jobs and collaborat­ion in overcoming the current crisis, Nobel laureate Edmund Phelps and economist Roman Frydman argued in a recent column where they used the concept of “systemic insurance.” Government­s must guarantee the production of medical equipment, of essential goods and service, that people can access said goods and services, and that they can cover their financial obligation­s.

Thus, government spending must be increased dramatical­ly and consistent­ly until a recovery is emerging. And it must be done with clarity, speed, and uniformity, as another FT columnist, Gillian Tett, recently argued. This has not been the case in Argentina, for example, where the government’s piecemeal approach to averting the implosion of the private sector hasn’t generated the funding conditions to avoid a total collapse of payments. Argentina’s fiscal stimulus plan is estimated by the IMF at less than two percent, which seems to make sense in the context of a bankrupt state in the middle of debt negotiatio­ns with private creditors. Yet, even if deeper deficits derail Economy Minister Martín Guzmán’s restructur­ing plans, they are necessary in order to maintain jobs, which is the only way to limit the negative impact on any future recovery. Mass bankruptci­es will result in a loss of jobs in an already destroyed economic situation for individual­s and businesses, meaning it will exacerbate the aforementi­oned vicious cycle. At this juncture it isn’t really clear where the funds to pay for a massive stimulus package will come from, but they need to be injected, even if it means printing even more money.

Small, medium, and large companies have already begun to default on their providers while struggling to pay their employees. The Central Bank needs to guarantee low-interest credit lines for the private sector to pay wages, while the government must ensure those in the informal sector are covered throughout the health emergency. And all of this must be reverted the day the economy begins rolling. It is time for Alberto Fernández and the rest of the global leadership to stand up and deliver forceful action that will avert the coming economic collapse. The window of opportunit­y is shrinking quickly.

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