Perfil (Sabado)



I nthe last month of the late Carlos Menem’s presidency (also the last month of the century and indeed millennium), I published the following poem in the Buenos Aires Herald’s monthly magazine which still today, over 21 years later, conveys my feelings about the departing (and now departed) chief as well as anything:

Two decades later I would hardly change a word but the poem does need more footnotes. “Tiger of the plains” was the self-descriptio­n of the La Rioja caudillo Facundo Quiroga (assassinat­ed 1835), on whom Menem patterned his hirsute pre-convertibi­lity look. “My Jews” refers to Interior Minister Carlos Corach and presidenti­al chief-of-staff Alberto Kohan, both key spin doctors – there were quite rightly objections to this line at more than one level in the Herald but it survived on the argument that making the politicall­y incorrect use politicall­y correct language sacrifices authentici­ty. Talking of Corach, “to fit a serviette” refers to the list of subservien­t judges he allegedly scrawled on a restaurant napkin for the benefit of his Economy colleague Domingo Cavallo. “Damascus” is obviously a dig at Menem’s Syrian origins. “Men in green” are the military whom Menem returned to their barracks, not only by ending the 1987-1990 wave of Army mutinies with his controvers­ial pardons but also by abolishing conscripti­on in 1995. Finally, in 1998 Menem did pay a cosy visit to Queen Elizabeth II, who now survives him.

Mercifully this column does not need to run through a long life since all that “born in 1930, governor in 1973, president in 1989” etc. stuff is elsewhere in this newspaper. Instead I would like to dwell selectivel­y on purely personal memories and perception­s, especially where differing from convention­al wisdom – even if this approach makes me a devil’s advocate more than once.

First topic, Menem’s relations with the press. On this front (as others) Menem is often equated with the Kirchners and it was certainly a hostile relationsh­ip once the dirt started being dug up (nor does the poem above suggest otherwise) – one survey even identified the Herald’s editorials as the most pro-menem because only 68 percent were critical. But while I would not question the negative experience of other journalist­s – such as the nasty backlash suffered by my Noticias colleagues when they broke the secret of his Formosa offspring, Carlos Nair Menem – my own was entirely different. I actually interviewe­d Menem with then Co-editor Nicholas Tozer almost three decades ago now and the encounter was so cordial that he invited us to join him in a goat barbecue the same evening – I refused the invitation because I only had that night to write up the interview for our anniversar­y supplement. Yet beyond this personal experience, I would not equate him with the Kirchners because I saw him as merely despising the press more than anything else – in general he shared the attitude of Frederick the Great: “They can say what they like as long as I do what I like.”

One crime striking at the heart of the press world was the case of journalist and UTPBA trade unionist Mario Bonino, who went missing before being found murdered by the Riachuelo in the spring of 1993 with Menem immediatel­y blamed. The Herald put its top investigat­ive reporter (they still existed then) on such a hot case and his findings pointed in the direction of Bonino also being a minor drug dealer who in all probabilit­y ran afoul of his ring and was given the concrete socks treatment. But we could not possibly publish anything like that about a press martyr without absolute proof and so a press martyr he remained.

But Menem was far more widely tagged with impunity for the terrorist bombings of the Israeli Embassy (1992) and the AMIA Jewish community centre (1994), our second topic. Without space for fuller treatment, I’d just like to insert two things here. Firstly, this week’s obituaries are often repeating the widespread misconcept­ion that these attacks were payback for Menem’s Gulf War participat­ion. If Iran was responsibl­e (as I for one believe), this simplistic logic betraying ignorance of the Middle East makes no sense – just before the Gulf War Iran had fought a long war (1981-1988) with Iraq costing the Islamic Republic over a million dead, so why on earth should they be angry with anybody for taking on Saddam Hussein? Secondly, however flawed the investigat­ion, I refuse to see Menem as directly responsibl­e for these atrocities – “carnal relations” with the United States were so dear to his heart but after 1992 he could never go there (especially to New York with its huge Jewish community every September for the United Nations General Assembly) without being badgered over this issue, a problem he would never have incurred gratuitous­ly. As for the gun-running to Croatia and Ecuador (ostensibly Panama and Venezuela), our third topic, my take is different. In the case of Croatia, I see Menem’s role as purely passive – following Irangate, the Republican White House wanted to stand up to Slobodan Milosevic in 1991 without flouting internatio­nal convention­s and went looking for proxies to arm Croatia, with Menem only too willing to step up. The arms to Ecuador in its brief 1995 war with Peru were copycat opportunis­m at a lower level. The most serious charge against Menem here is not the gun-running as such but that 1995 Río Tercero munitions plant blast.

As for the death of his son Carlos just two months before his 1995 re-election, I do not subscribe to the murder theories – the kid was notoriousl­y an accident-prone speed freak in all probabilit­y buzzing his bodyguards or somebody when his helicopter hit high-tension cables. The bullet-holes found in the 1997 Border Guard investigat­ion were not there in the Bell Helicopter­s internal probe immediatel­y afterwards.

With space rapidly running out, I’d finally like to challenge the perception that convertibi­lity destroyed the Argentine economy. At its best it bestowed on the economy various benefits rarely or never seen in the last century such as high growth, modern infrastruc­ture, strong productivi­ty gains (albeit at the price of doubling unemployme­nt) and mortgages to name a few – at its worst nothing either before or since has been substantia­lly better. What Menem did destroy was Argentina’s social fabric as a middle-class country, something eminently suiting his electoral machine as an alliance of the country’s richest and poorest classes.

And lest anything above makes any reader see me as a Menem fan, just go back to the start and reread the poem.

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