Perfil (Sabado)



Dear Sirs,

Oh, oh, oh, what a glorious Sunday it was, last week. What a slap in the face, for the powers that be; they’re still reeling from the blow. Fancy losing in 17 provinces, even including the lush and lean Buenos Aires!

The fallout from the shock is proving gruesome for the current misgovernm­ent: one of the Veep’s closest aides actually called Uncle Albert an useless nincompoop and suggested he was a squatter at the Pink House. Small wonder that His Nibs is not travelling to Mexico, this coming weekend, as he endeavours to rally his troops. As we said in our previous letter: grab on tight: we’re in for exciting times.

As Napoleon once famously stated: Victory has many fathers, defeat is an orphan!

David Parsons, via email

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