Perfil (Sabado)



Before the PASO primaries, Mario Negri was correctly stating that we were six senators away from becoming another Venezuela, should the Frente de Todos end up victorious. Then, on voting day, the wind shifted dramatical­ly and, coming from the opposite direction, it has developed into ‘Hurricane Patricia,’ as local ‘po litio rologica’ l ex pertscalli­t. Beca use now, things look very different. If on November 14, Juntos por el Cambio gains five more senators, a distinct possibilit­y, then for the first time since democracy returned in 1983 the Peronistas will lose their majority in the chamber and Argentine history will take the biggest turn in a long, long time.

Meanwhile, it is really heartening to see how, after the primaries, the members of the opposition have tucked away their difference­s and are striving not anymore to save the republic, but to open the way for its rebuilding. But, of course, the main actors in this play are the voters, with whom nothing or everything is possible. Please never forget this, because “It’s the Republic, darn it”!

Harry Ingham, City

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