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Around 4% of Argentina’s prison population serving life terms


According to data from 2021, there were 55,933 convicts jailed nationwide, of whom 2,489 were sentenced to life imprisonme­nt. Of these, 726 are serving their sentences in Buenos Aires provincial penitentia­ries, where the eight individual­s recently sentenced for the murder of Fernando Báez Sosa are also being held.

Seventy-one-yearold Carlos Robledo Puch is the longestser­ving convict in Argentina’s criminal history. Since his arrest and sentencing to life imprisonme­nt, 51 years have gone by. In the midst, debates have emerged with changes in the Criminal Code and the concept of life imprisonme­nt itself, but the “Angel of Death,” as Robledo Puch is commonly known, remains detained in Unit 26 of the Lisandro Olmos prison with no authorisat­ion for any release.

Nationwide over 2,400 people have been sentenced to life imprisonme­nt. On February 17, 25-year-old Magdalena Espósito Valenti and Abigail Páez, 27, joined that list after being sentenced to life terms for the murder of five-year-old Lucio Dupuy, beaten to death by his mother and her partner. Máximo Thomsen, 23, Ciroand Luciano Pertossi, 22 and 21 respective­ly, Enzo Comelli, 22, and Matías Benicelli, 23, also now form part of this infamous group for the 2020 murder of 18-year-old Fernando Báez Sosa.

According to the latest report of SNEEP (Sistema Nacional de Estadístic­as sobre Ejecución de la Pena) for 2021 there were 55,933 convicts nationwide, of whom 2,489 had been sentenced to life imprisonme­nt – around four percent.

Between the convicts and those on trial, the end of 2021 saw 101,267 persons housed in prisons in Argentina, both those of the Federal Penitentia­ry Service and of their provincial equivalent­s. Of those detained, 17 percent were aged under 24, climbing to a majority (56 percent) being aged under 35.


Nahir Galarza, 24, and Aldana Rosarno Díaz, 22, are two of the youngest, most high-profile detainees. Both of them are linked to homicides which they committed according to the understand­ing of each court judging them.

Galarza was convicted for killing her 20-year-old boyfriend Fernando Pastorizzo, who suffered two gunshot wounds in Entre Ríos on December 29, 2017. That same day, but one year later, Rosarno Díaz participat­ed in the murder of 36-year-old Gustavo García Ibáñez at her home in the Greater Buenos Aires locality of Ezeiza.

As understood by the jury judging her, Aldana lured the victim by deceit to her house, where they both arrived riding on his motorcycle. Once inside, he was ambushed by two other people (one of whom was the girl’s boyfriend), who killed him and left his body trussed up. Two days later Aldana returned and set the place on fire. Only after that was the victim discovered by firemen and shortly afterwards, Rosarno Díaz was arrested. Aldana was sentenced last year to life imprisonme­nt (along with her boyfriend) on charges of “homicide criminis causa” – i.e. murder to conceal another crime: the robbery of the motorcycle.

Precisely the legal categories according to which Nahir and Aldana were convicted form part of the crimes denying the convict access to any benefit after 35 years of confinemen­t.

Argentina’s Criminal Code of 1921 foresaw the possibilit­y of conditiona­l release after 20 years behind bars, except for recidivist­s. If the conditions of conditiona­l release were met for five years, the sentence was considered served and extinguish­ed. The penalty for repeat offenders, however, was life imprisonme­nt without the possibilit­y of conditiona­l release, while giving judges the option of imposing “indefinite reclusion” in cases of aggravated homicide.

That is what happened to Robledo Puch. In 1982 his sentence was defined as “indefinite reclusion for life” for 11 murders committed between 1971 and 1972. Until now, none of the lawyers representi­ng him have got him out of prison, but in 2004 the term before acceding to the benefit of conditiona­l release was extended to 35 years, while also making this benefit impossible for cases of aggravated homicide as outlined in Article 80, Clause 7 – rape followed by death, kidnap for ransom and abduction followed by death.

Finally, in 2017 the restrictio­ns were carried a step further to extend the impossibil­ity to all aggravated homicides (not just those in Clause 7) so that life imprisonme­nt means life. This would cover the five rugby-players sentenced to life because they were convicted for homicide aggravated by malice aforethoug­ht and hence premeditat­ed. Ditto for the women who killed Lucio as explained by Verónica Ferrero, the prosecutor in the trial: “Article 14 of the Criminal Code establishe­s that those convicted for this crime cannot request under any terms conditiona­l release after 35 years.”

Jorge Mangeri, the 55-yearold janitor who killed 16-yearold Ángeles Rawson in 2013, is a different case – he could have access to conditiona­l release in 2048 because his crime was committed before the last reform.


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