Perfil (Sabado)

Investigat­ion reveals Karina Milei’s role in Miami property firm

Chief-of-staff was part of a Us-based firm Alkary Investment­s LLC, which was controlled by her parents, which bought four properties for US$2.7 million in 2018 and later ran into court trouble.


Karina Milei managed a Miamibased company which purchased at least four luxury condos, for close to US$2.7 million between 2018 and 2019, a new investigat­ion has revealed. The firm, Alkary Investment­s LLC, was also controlled by President Javier Milei’s parents, Norberto and Alicia.

The news is striking given that Karina Milei, upon her appointmen­t to her brother’s government, declared assets to the tune of 1.7 million pesos to the Anticorrup­tion Office – the lowest figure within the Cabinet.

Responding to press enquiries, Presidenti­al Spokespers­on Manuel Adorni noted this week that “it was not verified” whether her Alkary Investment­s role was declared before AFIP tax bureau.

According to official documents reviewed over the last few months, in a project coordinate­d by the CLIP Latin American Centre of Journalist­ic Research, Karina and her parents show up as executives of the firm Alkary Investment­s LLC, as in the merger of “Alicia” and “Kary” – the President’s mother and sister.

Karina Milei, appointed thanks to the amendment of a decree signed during the government of former president Mauricio Macri which prevented the appointmen­t of officials’ relatives in the Executive Branch, specified that she owned a house in Vicente López, Buenos Aires Province, covering 150 square metres, which she had received in 2011 as an advance inheritanc­e. The official appraised her house at 1.4 million pesos and reported no flats, stocks or bank accounts abroad.

Consulted by the investigat­ive team, Adorni stated that the source of funds for the property in Miami “was the sale of Norberto Milei’s companies.”

“The idea was to lease them to keep expenses down. But the pandemic led to the cancellati­on of bookings and leases, and thus they never generated income,” he explained. “Given the impossibil­ity to cover the expenses they incurred, Norberto decided to liquidate them immediatel­y.”


The investigat­ion, reported locally by La Nación and eldiarioar, confirmed that, between 2021 and 2022, when the pandemic had hit the internatio­nal market and Javier Milei already aspired to the expansion of La Libertad Avanza, his sister (whom the President calls “the Boss”) and their parents sold those properties purchased for US$2.7 million and the partial sustenance of four mortgages.

However, it was also revealed that the process was turbulent, since Alkary Investment­s stopped paying the mortgages, which motivated lawsuits in the United States against Norberto Milei and the company, according to court records from Broward and Miami Dade counties, the media outlets reported. Court trouble ended when the Milei family finalised the sale of the properties for a total US$2.3 million, according to public records, and they settled the debts they had defaulted on. The last flat was sold when Javier Milei was already a deputy.

The investigat­ion did not manage to explain whether the current President’s family turned a profit in this transactio­n or not, although the company may have lost nearly US$400,000 in the four operations, according to official data.

“They do not specify whether the President’s sister gave money for the Florida transactio­ns or even withdrew funds after the sale of the real-estate investment­s,” they explained. According to Adorni, Javier Milei did not take part in the purchase and sale of these four flats in Miami since at the time he was “estranged from his parents and had nothing to do with this investment.” When consulted about whether Alkary Investment­s was declared before the AFIP tax agency, the spokesman answered in the negative.

During its years of activity, Alkary Investment­s LLC did not only engage in the purchase and sale of properties, it was also listed as a controllin­g or recording agent for other companies, such as Alkanor Investment­s LLC (as in Alicia, Karina and Norberto). Other companies controlled by Alkary are Piguez Wholesales Group LLC and Pan American Technology Corporatio­n, “but apparently none of them have been related to the Mileis’ activities,” sources from the real-estate sector cited by Perfil explained.

Karina Milei had already performed roles in her father’s companies registered in Argentina: Neumáticos Acassuso SRL, Campo La Ponderosa SA and Dusho SA. In 2015, they created Alkary Investment­s, together with Javier Guezikarai­an, an Argentine real-estate agent with a longstandi­ng friendship with the President’s sister.

Adorni stated that “Karina Milei was only included in the company by a decision by the family” and that she “made no capital contributi­ons.”

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