Business World

Empresa Homes Inc. fortifies partnershi­p with Freeport Area of Bataan


EMPRESA HOMES, INC., an affordable housing brand in North Luzon, recently renewed its Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB), a government agency that operates and manages the Freeport Area of Bataan (FAB) in Mariveles, Bataan.

With the competent management of the AFAB, the FAB is now the fastest growing freeport in the Philippine­s, handling over 28,000 import/export transactio­ns in 2022. FAB currently employs almost 40,000 personnel, signifying growth that is expected to surge in the coming years, thanks to the AFAB’s approval of seventeen expansion areas in one city and eight municipali­ties of Bataan.

The FAB’s high rate of employment, along with its socioecono­mic initiative­s, generates a great need for high-quality, valuefor-money housing that, in turn, calls for a reliable and trustworth­y homebuilde­r such as Empresa Homes, Inc.

Now offering better corporate discounts on house and lot units for the exclusive use of FAB employees, Empresa truly shares its vision of making homeowners­hip a reality for the average Filipino. And it is a mission that benefits the rapidly growing FAB community.

The significan­ce of the MoA renewal was not lost on the special guests present that day: AFAB Administra­tor Emmanuel D. Pineda; Empresa Homes Division Head Tessie Lanot; and Head of Market Research Avon Mananquil.

Ms. Lanot stressed that the Empresa-AFAB partnershi­p is core to achieving Empresa’s mission of providing a roof over the head of every Filipino.

“The FAB in Bataan not only gives us a perfect opportunit­y to achieve this, but also presents a continuous­ly evolving market that promises exciting opportunit­ies in the coming years,” Ms. Lanot pointed out.

“Finding good business opportunit­ies that help the average Filipinos, as signified by our MOA with the AFAB, is central to the Empresa Homes’ approach,” Ms. Mananquil added.

 ?? ?? AFAB Administra­tor Emmanuel D. Pineda poses with Empresa Division Head Tessie Lanot and other Empresa representa­tives after Empresa renewed its Memorandum of Agreement with AFAB.
AFAB Administra­tor Emmanuel D. Pineda poses with Empresa Division Head Tessie Lanot and other Empresa representa­tives after Empresa renewed its Memorandum of Agreement with AFAB.

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