3D World

Game character art

Baj Singh shares his character production workflow, from concept design to final modelled game asset


Baj Singh shares his working process from design to final game asset

This character was created for the Comic- con Challenge 2014 on gameartisa­ns.org. I was going to create a variation of the DC villain Victor Zsasz ( using Rutger Hauer as a model, based on his performanc­es in The Hitcher and Blade Runner).

After some sketching, I found I wasn’t happy with the original direction I was taking though ( I might take another crack at him in the future) and so after mulling it over, I decided to do a Deathstrok­e variation instead.

The tools for creating character art have evolved significan­tly over the past few years, with more and more programs available that help speed up or automate the character production process.

This training explores the world of creating game-ready character art, but would be useful for any game art

This workflow overview should be helpful for anybody who wants to explore the world of creating game-ready character art, in fact this training would be useful for any type of 3D game art, as parts of this workflow are applicable to environmen­t artists, weapon artists and so on) as I cover the core steps that I take to achieve the final result. However, keep in mind that this is just one workflow. To get an overview of character creation techniques, I advise you to visit online forums such, gameartisa­ns.org, as well as search out other tutorials to fully explore the different methods of game art production. For all the assets you need, go to www.3dworldmag.com/vault

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