3D World

Visualisin­g a superhero

Is previz vital to creating action sequences?


Previz is changing the way films are made. From the rhythm of a scene to the cost to make it, previz is helping filmmakers push their craft. All films use previz in unique ways, but Monty Granito, explains you can always tell when a film uses good previz: “The world should feel big, effortless and grounded. I think you can tell when people don’t use previz at all in action or fantasy movies, especially because the world is kept in certain rooms,” he says. “The hardest thing to achieve in today’s world is the balance between ‘reality’ and ‘oh it’s just a full CG shot’. For action or emotion to be truly dramatic it has to be believable.”

While my team was busy animating Falcon or making helicarrie­rs blow up, this little sequence was my side project

All this knowledge was brought to Captain America: The Winter Soldier, a superhero movie that had to remain grounded in 1970s thriller reality. “We would get a couple of concept designs, the script, a brief of what the objective of the scene was, and then we would brainstorm with Dan Deleeuw, the VFX supervisor. Because we were embedded with Dan we could create and elevate on a daily basis,” says Monty. “He is a VFX supervisor who really gets camera and storytelli­ng and was a comic nerd like me, so we were able to shape the action sequences with the directors from scratch. That doesn’t help you in staying grounded – what worked for Captain America was keeping the cameras relatively simple and just pushing the action.”

When Captain America faced off against the Quinjet, Proof was given a concept image of Captain America throwing his shield into the wing. “The directors called for the feeling of Cap taking on a dragon. While my team was busy animating Falcon or making helicarrie­rs blow up, this little sequence was my side project. The directors wanted Cap to brake hard and flip onto the jet, everything else in the sequence flowed naturally from that move.”

Monty researched fighting technique Krav Maga for some inspiratio­n. “In Krav Maga you use what is immediatel­y in front of you to disable your opponent. Once Cap ended up in the centre of the jet with his shield it was obvious, in one motion he could disable the aircraft and escape,” Monty says. ”Within a week we had the sequence fleshed out to 75 per cent of what was shown in the movie. It’s fantastic, but it’s Cap being surgical, and skilled and grounded.”

While it’s good to see his work on screen, Monty is keen to emphasise teamwork in his role. “Because we were working collaborat­ively, we stayed grounded,” he says. FYI Take a look at more of Proof’s work at www.proof-inc.com

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sequences in 3D
Previz has become a critical element today as a story tool in the planning of action sequences in 3D
 ??  ?? Monty Granito
Previz supervisor with Proof, Monty’s team use Maya and sometimes
Blender to create their scenes. Monty’s next big project is Night
At The Museum 3. www.montygrani­to.com
Monty Granito Previz supervisor with Proof, Monty’s team use Maya and sometimes Blender to create their scenes. Monty’s next big project is Night At The Museum 3. www.montygrani­to.com

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