3D World

Master 3D Concept art

Gurmukh Bhasin shares his insights into creating a SWAT special rescue vehicle for video game production

- Artist profile

Gurmukh Bhasin Gurmukh is an architectu­ral designer turned 3D concept artist who works for Cloud Imperium Games. He teaches classes at conceptart­workshop. com and enjoys creating surreal and unearthly environmen­ts, architectu­re, vehicles, and props for games. gurmukhbha­sin.com

For the past 18 months I have been working as a 3D concept artist at Cloud Imperium Games in Los Angeles on the video game Star Citizen. Designing spaceships for a living is a dream come true, but my portfolio is starting to get a little spaceship heavy.

When the opportunit­y came along to do an article for 3D World magazine, I decided to challenge myself to create something different. Right away I decided that I wanted to create a near future SWAT special rescue vehicle as I thought it would be fun to design something with wheels.

I knew my deadline would be tough to meet with working a lot and teaching at conceptart­workshop.com, so I decided to cheat a little and use parts of a HEMTT-M1075 truck I modelled back in 2013. I knew that I could borrow the frame, gas tanks, parts for the wheels and a few more pieces from this model as a faster starting point than beginning with nothing and designing a whole new truck. When working in concept design, speed is vital and having a library of past projects and models to dip into, reuse and adapt is an important lesson to learn.

In this tutorial we’ll be looking at designing a vehicle that can fit into a video game pipeline. I’ll be sharing my process, thoughts and ideas as we go. This is the same workflow I use to create designs for Cloud Imperium Games and I hope you pick up some new techniques along the way.

This project was a lot of fun to create, especially since it is something different to a spaceship. I really hope that those of you who read this article can see how easy it is to design something in 3D, and if you keep it simple, you can play and adjust your design early on, and then slowly layer up the details as you move along until it is a complete design. Hopefully it will inspire you to create your own designs! For all the assets you need go to creativebl­oq.com/vault/3dw206

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