3D World

step-by-step Create STITCHING


Create stitch geometry

To model the stitch, start by creating a rectangle with rounded corners in 3ds Max. Collapse the rectangle to an editable spline and remove the lower segments. In the control panel, under the Rendering tab, click on Enable In Viewport to give it a thickness. Now, collapse it to an editable poly. Once it is modelled to your liking, adjust the pivot so it is just below the lower edge of the stitch.

Activate Use spacing tool

the Spacing Tool, which will open a window within your interface. Select the stitch geometry you have modelled, click the button Pick Path, and select a path. Use the Spacing option and enter a distance. Make sure to tick the Follow box. This assigns the paths’ local coordinate­s to your newly added stitch geometry. Click Apply to execute.

extract stitch Path

Once you have your base geometry divided into sections, you will need to extract a shape or path for your stitching to follow. Once you have located a continuous loop, select it and click the Create Shape From Selection button within the Modify Panel. This will create a new spline for you to use as a path. Duplicate this process for each stitching path, as they need to be separate shapes.

Once adjust if Needed

you have the stitch geometry multiplied along your path, it may need some minor adjusting. It can sometimes be rotated in the wrong direction; this is an easy fix since you ticked the Follow box. If you need to rotate the geometry, do so using the Local Coordinate System. Simply select your new geometry and rotate it/them in the necessary local axis.

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