APC Australia

The make_config.sh script


Open up a Terminal, and then type the following command in order to create an empty file: $ nano ~/openvpn-ca/client-configs/ make_ config.sh Now you need to carefully enter the following lines: #!/bin/bash # First argument: Client identifier KEY_ DIR=~/openvpn-ca/keys

OUTPUT_ DIR=~/openvpn-ca/clientconf­igs/files

BASE_CONFIG=~/openvpn-ca/clientconf­igs/client.conf cat ${BASE_CONFIG} \ <(echo -e ‘<ca>’) \ ${KEY_ DIR}/ca.crt \ <(echo -e ‘</ca>\n<cert>’) \ ${KEY_ DIR}/${1}.crt \ <(echo -e ‘</cert>\n<key>’) \ ${KEY_ DIR}/${1}.key \ <(echo -e ‘</key>\n<tls-auth>’) \ ${KEY_ DIR}/ta.key \ <(echo -e ‘</tls-auth>’) \ > ${OUTPUT_ DIR}/${1}.ovpn Once created, save and close the file, before typing the following command to make it executable: $ chmod 700 ~/openvpn-ca/clientconf­igs/make_ config.sh

$ cd ~/openvpn-ca/keys $ sudo cp ca.crt ca.key MyVPN.crt MyVPN.key ta.key dh2048. pem /etc/openvpn Replace MyVPN.crt and MyVPN. key with the value you allocated to KEY_ NAME in the walkthroug­h above. Next, you need to generate your OpenVPN configurat­ion file:

$ cd /usr/share/doc/openvpn/ examples/sample-config-files

$ sudo cp server.conf.gz / etc/openvpn

$ sudo gzip -d /etc/openvpn/ server.conf.gz Now follow the second step-by-step guide (over the page) to configure your

server for basic usage. Once done, you need to perform one critical step to allow your clients to actually access the internet through your VPN. First, enter the following command: $ ip route | grep default

Make a note of the interface listed next to ‘dev’ — on our machine, this is ‘enp0s3’. Now enter the following command, substituti­ng enp0s3 with the interface listed on your PC, if applicable: $ sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTIN­G -s -o enp0s3 -j MASQUERADE START AND TEST YOUR 3 SERVER It’s time to get things up and running. Type the following Terminal command, which launches OpenVPN using the server.conf file you’ve configured: $ sudo systemctl start openvpn@server Now check the server is running correctly: $ sudo systemctl status openvpn@server

You should see a list of messages appear on screeen, including the all-important ‘active (running)’ message [Image A], along with ‘Initializa­tion sequence completed’ at the bottom — press ‘Ctrl-C’ to interrupt the status check. Next, check that the OpenVPN interface is available:

$ ip addr show tun0

If it shows a configured interface ending with “valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever”, things should be working correctly. You can now configure OpenVPN to launch automatica­lly at startup with the following line: $ sudo systemctl enable openvpn@server MAKE CLIENT CONFIGURAT­ION 4 EASY The simplest way to configure your client is through the use of specially made .ovpn files, inside which the required key files are embedded, along with the settings needed to connect. These are created on your server, and here’s what you need to do.

Create a directory structure inside which your client configurat­ion files are stored, then lock down the directory permission­s, and create a base config file to work from:

$ mkdir -p ~/openvpn-ca/ client-configs/files

$ chmod 700 ~/openvpn-ca/ client-configs/files

Now open the Nautilus file manager, click the ‘Computer’ link on the left and browse to ‘/usr/share/doc/openvpn/ examples/sample-config-files’. Copy the client.conf file from here to ‘~/openvpn-ca/client-configs’. Doubleclic­k the copied file to edit it in gedit [Image B]. First, locate the line marked remote my-server-1 1194 and change this to point toward your server’s public IP address or dynamic DNS name — for example, remote 1194 or remote dynamic.ddns.net 1194 . Next, uncomment both ;user nobody and ;group nogroup , before commenting out the lines

ca ca.crt , cert client.crt and key client.key , because they’re added by the batch file. Last, but not least, add the following line beneath ;tls-auth ta.key 1 (which should remain commented out):

key-direction 1 . Save and exit, then follow the instructio­ns in the box

on the first page of this article to create the ‘make_config.sh’ file, which you’ll use to generate the client configurat­ion files whenever they’re needed for each client.


You’ve now got all the tools you need to create your client configurat­ion files. Here’s the process you need to follow in order to build them. First, you need to generate a certificat­e and key for your client using the following commands:

$ cd ~/openvpn-ca && source vars

This time, ignore the note (we don’t want to clean anything), then type: $ ./build-key client1 You need a unique name for each client certificat­e you generate —so, for subsequent certificat­es, you would use client2

client3 and so on. Again, you’re taken through a similar process as when you ran the build-server-key command, and the answers are exactly the same — no challenge password, and accepting the default choices.

Once generated, build the configurat­ion file: $ cd client-configs $ ./make_ config.sh client1 You’ll find a file marked ‘client1. ovpn’ inside the client-configs/files subfolder. This now needs to be securely transferre­d to your client — the box above reveals the different options available to you, and how to configure a VPN connection to your server from another Ubuntu PC.

Congratula­tions — you’ve just made your internet connection more secure [Image C].

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Image B

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