APC Australia

Plot your data in Python

Learn how to programmat­ically draw charts using the use the matplotlib library with Python. Darren Yates explains how.


Python is one of the world’s most popular programmin­g languages — and it’s not too hard to see why. It’s free, easy to learn and incredibly versatile. Already, we’ve looked at how you can use Python to read data from your car’s engine control unit (ECU) and how Python can tap into features such as Speech Recognitio­n on your Android device. The language is also equally adept at online activities, for example, Django ( djangoproj­ect.com) is a popular web framework for developing complex websites using Python code. But Python is also popular in scientific, mathematic­al and statistica­l circles, thanks to its highly-advanced ability at drawing charts and plots via the matplotlib library and the SciPy stack.


Not sure if you have Python installed on your computer? That’s easily fixed — launch a command prompt on your Windows PC or terminal on your macOS or Linux system, type python and press Return. If all you get is an error message, it’s not installed. In that case, head to python.org/downloads and grab the latest version of Python 3 (we use Python 3 here at Masterclas­s Central). Launch the installer to install it onto your system.


When you run Python for the first time, it only comes with one library called the Python Standard Library — still, that one library is chock-full of functions and extensions, covering everything from the basics of print() and input(), through to multimedia, database, web, file input/output (I/O) and beyond.

However, it doesn’t do everything and for the things it can’t do, software developers create their own libraries, which is why the PyPI — Python Package Index — exists. Think of it as the App Store for Python programmer­s. At last count, it contained over 116,000 separate downloadab­le and code-able Python packages that you can import and include in your code. We’ve already used the Python-OBD library from here to read car engine computer data. You can browse through the index online by heading to pypi.python.org/pypi and tapping ‘Browse packages’ from the left-side menu.


Creating charts and plots might not seem the most exciting thing you can do with Python, but matplotlib can do some seriously cool tricks we can’t show on paper — tricks like chart animations that are impressive to watch. To install matplotlib, we need ‘pip’ — the Python package installer that comes bundled with the standard Python download. You can quickly check to see if pip is part of you system’s environmen­t path by launching a command prompt, typing ‘pip’ and pressing enter. If you get details of pip’s command switches, you’re good to go. If not, Windows users should find pip located in the subfolder

path /users/<user>/AppData/Local/ Programs/Python/<Python version>/ Scripts. You install matplotlib from the command prompt using the command: pip install matplotlib

Within a few seconds, the installati­on should be complete and you’ll be able to start importing the library into your Python code.


However, if you’re going to install matplotlib, the chances are pretty high you’re also going to need NumPy, a library package that, among other things, provides fast multidimen­sional array support and is used in everything from engineerin­g to data mining. These libraries also generally work together with SciPy, which adds in lots of useful mathematic­al extras such as Fast Fourier Transforms and linear algebra.

If you’re running macOS or Linux, you can install these libraries easily through pip and PyPI. Unfortunat­ely for Windows users, the PyPI version of SciPy doesn’t install correctly using pip, but there is an alternativ­e. Python packages are known also as ‘wheels’, from their ‘.whl’ file extension. Christoph Gohlke, from the Laboratory of Fluorescen­ce Dynamics at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) provides a large (unofficial) collection of Windows-ready .whl packages and one of these is SciPy. You’ll notice a number of different versions of SciPy available, depending on the versions of Python (2.7, 3.4, 3.5 or 3.6) and the Windows build (32-bit, 64-bit) you’re running. For example, if you’re running the standard 32-bit Windows version of Python 3.6, you’d want ‘scipy-0.19.1cp36-cp36m-win32.whl’. Whatever your option, head to lfd.uci. edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#scipy and download the appropriat­e file.

You’re also going to need the UCI version of NumPy called ‘numpy+mkl’ — MKL is the Maths Kernel Library created by Intel (yep, that Intel), so make sure you download the appropriat­e version of that file as well from lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs. Once downloaded, open up a command prompt at the file location and type the command:

pip install numpy1.13.1+mkl-cp36-cp36m-win32. whl And follow it up with: pip install scipy-0.19.1cp36-cp36m-win32.whl

You must install them in this order, otherwise SciPy won’t install correctly. That aside, once the installs are done, you’ll now have ready-to-use what’s often termed the ‘SciPy stack’, the collection of Python libraries used most often in maths, science and engineerin­g fields. To check they’re good to go, launch the Python IDLE environmen­t and type:

import scipy import numPy import matplotlib

Pressing Enter on each one. If you don’t see any error messages, you’re done.


Now we’re ready to run some code and rather than having to start from scratch, matplotlib has some excellent and impressive examples for you to play with. Head over to matplotlib.org/ examples/index.html and start by downloadin­g the ‘simple_anim’ source code from the ‘animation Examples’ section. Open it in Python IDLE and run it (press F5). Within a second or so, you should start seeing a scrolling sine wave display in a separate window, a bit like an oscillosco­pe screen. Animations can be really useful for plotting data because they can help identify patterns not easily visible in fixed single-frame chart.

Another really cool animation is the ‘double_ pendulum_animated’ example — this one needs the full SciPy stack, so it’s also a good test to ensure you have everything installed correctly, otherwise it won’t work. It might look quite basic — a double pendulum swinging under the influence of gravity — but the fact it’s all modelled in mathematic­al formulas is really cool. Not only that, you can also tweak the settings to see how a change of gravity constant, pendulum mass and length change the swing pattern.

One more simple example that’s really clever is ‘wire3d_demo’. It’s only half-a-dozen lines of code to produce a three-dimensiona­l wire plot of some data, but if you click-and-drag the plot area, you can spin it around in 3D space and see the 3D surface of the data. Well, even if it’s not particular­ly your cup of tea, it’s still damn impressive, if for no other reason that just how little code is required.


Neverthele­ss, while playing around with examples is an ideal way to start (as you can see how various commands are used in practice), there’s nothing like having a go at writing your own code. We’ll get you started with a ‘hello world’ simple chart, just to break the ice. Grab this month’s source code pack from the APC website ( apcmag.com/ magstuff) and load the ‘hellochart.py’ source file. The basic 2D chart function inside matplotlib is called ‘pyplot’, so we start by importing this into our code as the object ‘plt’. We then create two lists or arrays called ‘pltX’ and ‘pltY’. The for-loop creates the data, adding the numbers 0 to 10 to pltX and the square of those numbers to pltY. The hard work is done by the next line:

plt.plot(pltX, pltY)

This creates a two-dimensiona­l (2D) line plot with pltX on the horizontal or X-axis and pltY on the vertical or Y-axis. We then use the title() function to add a title, along with the xlabel() and ylabel() functions to add axis labels. Finally, we display the chart using the show() function.

The key thing to notice is how little we had to do — the pyplot module does all the drawing, ensures the Y-axis title is rotated, even creates the window and selects the line-plot colour. You can edit all these parameters if you wish, but it’s great to know you can throw together a quick plot with just a few lines of code.


The easiest way to understand how plot animations work in matplotlib is to take a look at the code in an example file. The ‘simple_anim.py’ source code we looked before is an ideal place to start.

Animations are part of the animation module within the matplotlib library. The ‘simple_anim’ Python code begins with importing the three main modules required — the NumPy library plus the pyplot and animation modules. Next, the code

creates two matplotlib.figure objects called ‘fig’ and ‘ax’ — these are known as ‘tuples’ (kind of like a list or an array). They’re created using the subplot() function and contain the figure or plot we want to draw. After that, the ‘np.arange’ statement sets up a single-dimension array ranging from 0 to ‘2 x pi’ (6.28…) stepped at 0.01 intervals. The line following creates the plot of the sine wave, with ‘x’ on the X-axis and ‘np.sin(x)’ on the Y-axis.

Now we come to two Python functions — animate() and init(). The first is responsibl­e for stepping through the animation while init() begins the animation cleanly.

Finally, there’s the ‘money’ statement — the animation code itself. As you can see, it’s just one line:

ani = animation. FuncAnimat­ion(fig, animate, np.arange(1, 200), init_ func=init, interval=25, blit=True)

Matplotlib has two animation methods — FuncAnimat­ion and ArtistAnim­ation. The main difference between them is FuncAnimat­ion derives each frame change from a function or formula, while ArtistAnim­ation is a series of pre-fab frames ready to draw.

FuncAnimat­ion has a number of parameters that determine the what, how and when of the animation. The most common way to animate computer graphics is to create a code device called a ‘timer’, which fires off a trigger after a pre-defined interval, launching a particular code function that updates the animation with a new frame (we’ve used something similar in this month’s Arduino Masterclas­s and our scrolling sound level meter project). Matplotlib uses this same technique. The parameters list (inside the braces) begins with the ‘fig’ plot object we want drawn, the second parameter is the ‘animate’ function to be called each time the timer triggers. Next, the np.arange() function creates an array of integers from 0 to 200. FuncAnimat­ion allows you to set an initiatisi­ng function (init_func), called the first time the FuncAnimat­ion() code runs. The ‘interval’ variable contains the timer delay between frames (25-millisecon­ds), while ‘bliting’ is a technique for ensuring the animation is smooth. Last of all, the plt.show() statement displays the animation.

It’ll probably seem quite complicate­d the first time you look at it, but when you consider how much is being hidden by those few commands, it’s no wonder matplotlib is popular.

At this point, the thing to do that I can’t recommend enough is to play around with the myriad of code examples — change parameters, edit code, even break the code to see how it all works. Keep a copy of the matplotlib API documentat­ion nearby ( matplotlib.org/api/index.html) so that you can understand why functions perform the way they do and what each of the parameters does.


We’ve barely scratched the surface of what matplotlib’s animation functions can do, let alone the rest of matplotlib library itself — for instance, the animation function can even tap into the Ffmpeg video transcoder if you install it onto your PC and turn animations into video files using whichever video codec you like from its libavcodec library. Combine NumPy, matplotlib and SciPy together and it’s no surprise Python is so popular within the mathematic­s, science and engineerin­g communitie­s.


The basic IDLE editor included with the standard Python install is serviceabl­e, but as you start getting into more complex tasks requiring multiple libraries, like the SciPy stack, there are potentiall­y easier ways to get moving. There are plenty of alternativ­e Pythonread­y or Python-specific IDEs with a more advanced flavour and we’ll look at some of them in a future issue, but two worth looking at are WinPython ( winpython.github.io) and Anaconda ( www.anaconda.com). Both incorporat­e Spyder, an IDE designed for the scientific community, with the SciPy stack installed ready to go.


The great thing about programmin­g is the power and freedom it gives you to roll out your own apps to fill gaps and solve problems, whether it’s at home or at work. But it’s also the ability to mod your code as required without needing someone else doing it for you. If you’ve never learned to program before, now is a great time and Python is arguably one of the simplest and most versatile languages around. Why not start now? You won’t regret it.

 ??  ?? Download numPy and SciPy from the UCI Python wheel website (see text).
Download numPy and SciPy from the UCI Python wheel website (see text).
 ??  ?? Matplotlib can also draw complex filled-contour and ‘colormesh’ plots.
Matplotlib can also draw complex filled-contour and ‘colormesh’ plots.
 ??  ?? Our ‘hello plot’ graph displays the function ‘ y = x*x’ from x = 0 to 10.
Our ‘hello plot’ graph displays the function ‘ y = x*x’ from x = 0 to 10.
 ??  ?? Combine plotting techniques, such as grid data and triangular contouring.
Combine plotting techniques, such as grid data and triangular contouring.
 ??  ?? Make sure youkeep the matplotlib API documentat­ion on speed- dial.
Make sure youkeep the matplotlib API documentat­ion on speed- dial.
 ??  ?? Matplotlib can use the Cycler function to cycle through colours in a plot.
Matplotlib can use the Cycler function to cycle through colours in a plot.
 ??  ?? Use ‘import’ statements to check these libraries are correctly installed.
Use ‘import’ statements to check these libraries are correctly installed.
 ??  ?? The code for our super- simple ‘hello plot’ chart.
The code for our super- simple ‘hello plot’ chart.
 ??  ?? The matplotlib ‘simple_ anim.py’ plot animation does a lot for few lines.
The matplotlib ‘simple_ anim.py’ plot animation does a lot for few lines.
 ??  ?? Complex triangular 3D surfaces can be drawn and rotated with matplotlib.
Complex triangular 3D surfaces can be drawn and rotated with matplotlib.
 ??  ?? You can click-anddrag Matplotlib’s 3D model plots to get a better view.
You can click-anddrag Matplotlib’s 3D model plots to get a better view.
 ??  ?? Type ‘Python’ on the command prompt to see if it’s installed on your PC.
Type ‘Python’ on the command prompt to see if it’s installed on your PC.

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