APC Australia

And the winner is...


The overall winner among today’s display standards for the PC is clear. It’s USB- C. It’s the most flexible, feature-rich, and capable of the three main options. The ability to plug a laptop into a monitor with a single cable, and drive it at very high resolution­s and refresh rates, at the same time as charging the laptop and enabling the connection of USB devices is very, very cool. USB- C is also perfect for next-gen VR gaming with a single cable. Even on the desktop, the simplicity implied by USB- C is a significan­t boon. Of course, remember that USB-C as a display connector is only as good as the DisplayPor­t interface underneath. Also bear in mind that this subject is something of a moving target. HDMI 2.1 has been announced, and should soon begin to appear in devices. It has the edge on DisplayPor­t 1.4, and thus USB- C, for outright bandwidth, if not overall features, so may be the better option for some edge cases with really high spec displays. Meanwhile, the upgrade path for DisplayPor­t, and its support for future cutting-edge PC monitors, is a little uncertain.

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