APC Australia

Penitent Dead

- Sykes Tom


You can’t move for Dark Souls clones these days, but where are the games inspired by its superniche predecesso­r? I may have answered my own question there, but at least we finally have a candidate in the form of Penitent Dead.

There’s really only one reason to play this, and that’s for the majestic setting. It’s as if a doom metal album cover has been fed into a 3D modelling program, and output at the wrong resolution. Nostalgia aside the ambiguous and jittery nature of the PlayStatio­n aesthetic does much to enhance the low-polygon 3D models and blown-up textures. The already striking artwork feels richer and more tactile. It’s just a shame that the era-authentic soundtrack cuts out almost immediatel­y.

He’s surprising­ly chatty for a zombie.

While there are few locks and keys to manage this is a simple exploratio­n game, which you can end almost whenever you want, just by walking through a door. No matter the sights of the island, or the tantalisin­g scraps of lore, the game ends a bit flatly as a result.

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