APC Australia

GeForce Now beta is coming to Australia in mid-2021

Beta registrati­ons are open now.


Last month Nvidia announced that its game streaming service, GeForce Now, will roll out in Australia in 2021. It named Pentanet as the provider – a Perth-based ISP that currently only services Western Australia. Despite that ISP’s location it’s confirmed that the arrangemen­t will service the whole country too, with the caveat that you’ll need a decent connection for it to work.

Australian­s can register their interest in the service now on the Pentanet website, ahead of the mid-2021 beta, which will accept users from all over the country. Where connection­s are too unreliable or slow, Pentanet’s Stephen Cornish said that

“we won’t shy from the challenge of building our own solution [next-gen wireless technology] we know to work, like we did for Perth.”

Still, the infrastruc­ture needs to keep up with these ambitions, so for now, GeForce Now servers will be in Sydney and Perth only for the beta. Cornish says in the announceme­nt that beta registrati­ons will influence the speed of deployment in other cities and states. “Gamers need to be close to our infrastruc­ture, so our deployment strategy will be guided by level of demand across Australia, and potentiall­y even New Zealand,” he wrote.

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