APC Australia

Add photos to your contacts

Use Contact Pics Adder to assign images to all your contacts. Contact Pics Adder can mimic the Contacts app’s ability to draw images from Photos – just tap Library to use an image from that resource.


Set up an iPhone or iPad and you’re encouraged to take a photo of your beautiful self, which is then added to your card in Contacts. In fact, every card allows you to add a photo (or some other image) to represent that particular person.

Doing so is a smart idea. These images are displayed elsewhere on your mobile devices and Mac as thumbnails. You’ll see them in apps like Mail and Messages, providing an at-a-glance indication of who each communicat­ion is from. That’s good because it’s typically faster to browse a list by looking at faces than it is by reading names.

Face it

However, Apple doesn’t make it terribly easy to add new photos to your contacts. To do so, you must go into the Contacts app and find a contact without a pic. (Unhelpfull­y, the main list view in Contacts doesn’t show these images.) You can then press Edit and Add Photo, and choose a snap from your library – or opt to depict the person as a Memoji or icon, should the urge take you.

Contact Pics Adder (App Store, $2.99) makes the process far more efficient, speeding everything up by focusing purely on adding new images to your contacts. Our walkthroug­h shows how to use the app to add images from Bing web searches, Twitter and Facebook. Prior to getting started, we’ll assume you’ve already installed the app on your iPhone or iPad and granted it access to your contacts. CRAIG GRANNELL

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 ??  ?? Contact Pics Adder doesn’t force you to grab images from online sources. If you’ve something suitable right on your device, you can just tap the Library button and select it.
Contact Pics Adder doesn’t force you to grab images from online sources. If you’ve something suitable right on your device, you can just tap the Library button and select it.

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