AQ: Australian Quarterly

When the system collapses: A post-capitalist capitalism?


1 Mason, P. (2017). Postcapita­lism: A Guide to Our Future. London, Farrar Straus & Giroux.

2 This acronym is unique to Australia. In the rest of the world, it is normally called the Great Recession.

3 Keen, S. (2017). Can We Avoid Another Financial Crisis? ( The Future of Capitalism). London, Polity Press.

4 Mcleay, M., A. Radia, et al. (2014). "Money creation in the modern economy." Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin 2014 Q1: 14-27. 5 Deutsche Bundesbank (2017). "The role of banks, non- banks and the central bank in the money creation process." Deutsche Bundesbank Monthly Report: 13-33.

6 Keen, S. (2015). "The Macroecono­mics of Endogenous Money: Response to Fiebiger, Palley & Lavoie." Review of Keynesian Economics 3(2): 602 - 611.

7 Marx, K. (1894). Capital Volume III, Internatio­nal Publishers. 8 Vague, R. (2014). The Next Economic Disaster: Why It's Coming and How to Avoid It. Pennsylvan­ia, University of Pennsylvan­ia Press. 9 Keen, S. (1993). "Use-value, Exchange Value, and the Demise of Marx's Labor Theory of Value." Journal of the History of Economic Thought 15(1): 107-121.

10 Keen, S. (1993). "The Misinterpr­etation of Marx's Theory of Value."

Journal of the History of Economic Thought 15(2): 282-300. 11 Eddington, A. S. (1928). The Nature Of The Physical World.

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 12 Marx, K. (1867). Capital. Moscow, Progress Press. Chapter 9, Footnote 2

13 Lovelock, J. (1982). Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth. Oxford, Oxford Paperbacks.

14 Schumpeter, J. A. (1934). The theory of economic developmen­t : an inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest and the business cycle. Cambridge, Massachuse­tts, Harvard University Press.

15 Janeway, W. (2012). Doing Capitalism in the Innovation Economy.

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

16 Mazzucato, M. (2015). The Entreprene­urial State: Debunking Public

vs. Private Sector Myths. New York, Anthem Press.

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