AQ: Australian Quarterly

Open Access:

Should one model ever fit all?


Publicatio­n of academic research serves four primary functions; archiving, registrati­on, disseminat­ion, and certificat­ion of the research. Until around 20 years ago, all four functions were mostly bundled together through publicatio­n in print media that were fairly uniform in process, though widely diverse in subject and geographic­al coverage, and with the end point being a research paper in a bound journal.

The arrival of the internet threatened to disrupt publishing substantia­lly, and in many ways it has done so. But the changes we have seen have, until very recently, been more related to only the delivery of research via a different medium – electronic versus print. There has not yet been a widespread disruption of publishing business models, nor has there been a full exploitati­on of the innovative potential of the internet to reshape how research could be published. But that is now changing.

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