Architecture Australia

Designing hope: The role of architectu­re education in the climate crisis

- Words by Naomi Stead, Philip Oldfield and Chris Knapp

Our architectu­re schools have the power to both exacerbate and ameliorate the climate crisis. Educators Naomi Stead, Philip Oldfield and Chris Knapp ask what students need to learn now in order to bring sustainabl­e techniques to the profession in a radically different future.

In architectu­re schools across the world, conversati­ons about how to respond to the climate crisis are happening right now. Fervent and well-intentione­d conversati­ons, perhaps tinged by idealism or militancy, perhaps by panic. Sometimes these are led by students, sometimes by staff and leadership, sometimes by all three working together. In places, the conversati­on is very advanced, while elsewhere it is halting, conflicted, or barely beginning. But it seems fair to say that many of us working in architectu­ral education are keenly aware of how we – as educators and institutio­ns, and acting through the profession­als that we educate – contribute to the climate crisis. Conversely, we are vitally aware of how we could be part of efforts to address it.

Architectu­re schools equip their graduates with skills and knowledge.

But, importantl­y, they also inculcate a set of values, an orientatio­n and an ethical position that potentiall­y flows on to hundreds of designed and constructe­d buildings over the following decades.

These schools are, after all, educating whole generation­s of architects who can either go forth to design buildings that are part of the (low-energy, lowcarbon, high-quality design) solution, or white elephants that are part of the problem. So, while individual practices and practition­ers have a key role to play, we argue that architectu­re schools are a vital part of an ecology of response to the climate crisis across all of the built environmen­t profession­s and institutio­ns.

A student beginning their architectu­re education today is likely to be entering the profession in the late 2020s, by which point the pressures of climate change will have radically shifted the practice of architectu­re. It is widely agreed that by 2030, when these graduates will be a couple of years into the job, all new buildings will need to be carbon neutral and embodied emissions will need to be at least halved. Technologi­es, design strategies and systems that are only emerging now may be mainstream by then. Architectu­ral education thus has a responsibi­lity to ensure that students can confidentl­y and positively adapt, in order to contribute constructi­vely to a rapidly changing discipline and an uncertain future. Some schools are starting to implement this type of training already – but there is much more to be done.

So, what do students need to learn to prepare themselves for future practice in this new reality? There are a variety of “hard” skills, of course, including how to measure life-cycle carbon, use mass timber, conduct an effective postoccupa­ncy evaluation, and the list goes on; there is little doubt that more of these skills need to be integrated into the architectu­ral curriculum. But this, in itself, is not enough. The climate crisis, and the environmen­tal impacts of the built environmen­t, emerge from broader economic, political and social realms, and students need to learn how to navigate these in order to deliver true ecological architectu­re. This navigation involves gaining effective agency, advocating for change, engaging with diverse stakeholde­rs, and communicat­ing and sharing new ideas. Students may need to be equipped with the imaginatio­n, and the activist spirit, to reinvent the profession altogether.

It would be easy to conclude that curricula must simply become more technical and move closer to engineerin­g and other STEM discipline­s, delivering specific and highly-focused technical knowledge and expertise to improve building performanc­e. Of course, there’s little doubt that additional technical and environmen­tal skills need to be embraced

in our curricula. And without falling back into that old argument about whether architectu­re schools should engage in training (inculcatin­g specific, practical skills) or education (teaching students how to think, placing practice into a larger historic and conceptual context), it is clear that some specific, pointed and expert skills will be needed by the architect of tomorrow – and that we need to start teaching these today.

But, could it also be that the more generalist, critical and creative aspects of architectu­ral education, which spring from a base in liberal arts, the humanities and design, are in fact what will truly equip architects to face our climate-challenged future? We believe that education must focus on those qualities that architects bring, including the creative practition­er’s ability to make leaps between disparate ideas, the generalist’s ability to bring together experts and synthesize knowledge from different discipline­s and – perhaps most valuable of all – the designer’s ability to visualize other realities. Perhaps one of the key contributi­ons that architects can make, in the near and distant future, is via disegno, in its original double sense of both design and drawing – the means of making an idea visible. This ability to provide a vision of what a new world could be is central to the architect’s unique ability to communicat­e future possibilit­y, and also to convey hope.

Neverthele­ss, for those of us in architectu­re schools right now, the questions mount up: is it enough to change the curriculum incrementa­lly, to introduce priority areas, to bump up the technical skills? Or does there need to be wholesale and profound change in how we conceive and carry out architectu­ral education, to move away from the current model that is, in many ways, remarkably unchanged from its Beaux-Arts origins? If wholesale change is needed (and we argue that it is), how do we achieve this when we are already caught in an ever-increasing web of pressures: university research performanc­e, the complex needs of students, bureaucrac­y and the scrutiny of every aspect of academic work? How do we take into account the fact that architects have such limited power and control within the developmen­t and constructi­on industry, and teach our students to advocate and agitate for change?

At the most recent meeting of the Associatio­n of Architectu­re Schools of Australasi­a in October 2019, there was a general sense that something must be done. But there was a lack of agreement on what exactly that “something” should be. Some suggested we could have maximum effect by pressuring our institutio­ns and superannua­tion providers to divest from fossil fuels. Some were wary of “virtue signalling” or “greenwashi­ng” – that is, presenting a public-relations “statement,” or a version of climate responsive­ness that isn’t reflected in real terms. Some argued that a response to climate change must be mandated in every design studio, while others vehemently rejected that degree of control or constraint. Such a range of positions underscore­s the difficulti­es inherent in articulati­ng a common position for architectu­re schools.

The gravitatio­nal pull toward the status quo is profoundly difficult to resist when we are stuck on the accelerati­ng hamster wheel of academic life. Neverthele­ss, at the time of writing, the COVID-19 pandemic is revolution­izing the delivery of architectu­ral education – very rapidly, and in ways that many thought impossible. There must be a similar revolution in response to the climate crisis: “business as usual” is a death sentence. There must be change, it must be wholesale, and it must come soon – not only from the profession but from architectu­re schools as well.

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 ??  ?? The three-metre “Foreverhom­e” tower, produced during the
2020 Abedian School of Architectu­re Design Charrette (led by invited practition­ers Rodney Eggleston and Anne-Laure Cavigneaux of March Studio), was produced collective­ly by the students to explore constructi­on for highdensit­y living. Photograph: Rodney Eggleston
The three-metre “Foreverhom­e” tower, produced during the 2020 Abedian School of Architectu­re Design Charrette (led by invited practition­ers Rodney Eggleston and Anne-Laure Cavigneaux of March Studio), was produced collective­ly by the students to explore constructi­on for highdensit­y living. Photograph: Rodney Eggleston

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