Artist's Drawing & Inspiration



‡ &KRRVH D VXEMHFW WKDW LV SOHDVLQJ WR you and make lots of small sketches getting familiar with your subject.

For example; wildlife animals are easier to find in wildlife parks and sanctuarie­s where they are visible. Spend time getting to know their habitat, pay attention to their features ie; shape, fur texture, feet, claws, feathers, their eyes and so on.

‡ 7DNH ORWV RI UHIHUHQFH SKRWRV DQG QRWHV ‡ /HDUQ WR GUDZ EHIRUH WU\LQJ WR paint, as this will improve your overall experience and technique, making your work more balanced and appealing. To do this, draw from life to master perspectiv­e.

‡ 7U\ GLIIHUHQW PHGLXPV DQG find one that suits your style and preference best.

‡ $OVR WU\ D YDULHW\ RI VXEVWUDWHV pertaining to the different mediums. For example I like to use different watercolou­r papers from smooth to rough, depending on my subject.

For oil paintings I use linen for pet portraits due to its smoother surface and cotton canvas for landscapes. ‡ :KHQ VWDUWLQJ RLO SDLQWLQJ OHDUQ WR use the three primary colours only ie; red, blue, yellow and mix these three to make most of the colours for your subject. Add Titanium

White for lightening the colours.

Buy a colour wheel to help with learning about colour and tone. ‡ 0LVWDNHV KDSSHQ RIWHQ DOORZ \RXU self to make many, which will be rewarding in the long run. It is better to leave a mistake, than try to fix it. Sometimes mistakes can improve a painting. If it is unfixable, paint over it, tear it up or start again.

‡ 1HYHU FRS\ RU FRPSDUH \RXUVHOI WR others, be true to yourself and find your uniqueness. It is not important how many artworks you sell, it is more important to enjoy the journey. ‡ ([SORUH \RXU FUHDWLYLW\ DQG


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