Artist's Drawing & Inspiration



‡ 8VH D VHSDUDWH FRQWDLQHU WR VWRUH WKH pastels you are using on the current painting. This saves time searching for the colour you used previously. I tend to preselect only a few colours for my work as I am never sure of where the painting will take me. ‡ .HHS WKH SDVWHOV FOHDQ +DYH D UDJ handy to wipe each pastel when putting it back into the “selection” container. This also gives you a few seconds’ break in which to admire you work, and makes it easier to see the right colour in the container.

‡ ,I \RX QHHG D VKDUS HGJH IRU D ILQH line, try scoring around the pastel with your finger/thumb nail before breaking the stick. This will give a clean, controlled sharp break.


work upright or even leaning a little towards you at the top. This will allow the pastel dust to fall from the paper and not lay on your precious work. A folded news paper tray is all I use to catch the falling dust. Do not blow off the dust. It will only float in the air and generally make the whole area uncomforta­ble to work in. ‡ )LQLVKLQJ 0\ SUHIHUUHG SURFHGXUH is simple. Taping glassine paper or similar over the painting I place them on a hard smooth surface JODVVLQH SDSHU RQ WRS 8VLQJ D rolling pin and plenty of pressure, I roll over the whole surface of the painting, in all directions, as this pushes the pastel into the paper to reduce dust fall out later, particular­ly at framing time. This action also seems to brighten the painting by bursting the tiny balls of pastel on the surface and pushing them into the paper. I then will leave the painting on the backing board for one or two weeks, out of harm’s way, to let the pastel surface “acclimatis­e”. This also helps reduce dust falling later. Last steps before framing will be to check and touch up the highlights if need be, and one more final rolling.

‡ 7R UHPRYH SDVWHO , SUHIHU )DEHU Castell “putty rubbers”, after first brushing off with an old paint brush. ‡ , DOVR XVH D FROOHFWLRQ RI YDULRXV size and shape blenders, some rubber and some paper. I find the rubber blenders particular­ly good for tidying up edges, and also for dragging through “water” to create reflection­s.

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