Asian Geographic

Ice Cream Handheld Crossbows

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- China

c. 400 BC

The earliest ice creams were rather different to our modern-day summer treat. Around 400 BC, some brilliant (sadly anonymous) Persian decided to mix snow from the mountains with some honey and fruit to produce a sweet, icy treat. The “cream” did not feature until the 1600s, when it was introduced in Europe.

c. 500 BC

The crossbow made its grand appearance in historical record in Sun Tzu’s famous book The Art of War, which was written in the 6th century BC. The weapon may have been invented 500 years earlier, however. By the early Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD), Chinese engineers had created a repeating crossbow, which could fire as many as 10 bolts in 15 seconds. War would never be the same again.

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