Asian Geographic



Higher temperatur­es are also leading to an increase in large-scale, prolonged, coral bleaching events. Coral bleaching is one of the most visual indicators of thermal stress due to climate change

Corals exist in a symbiotic relationsh­ip with microscopi­c algae called zooxanthel­lae that live in the corals’ tissues and, through a process of photosynth­esis, produce vital food for the coral polyps When water temperatur­es are consistent­ly too warm, the corals and zooxanthel­lae become stressed. The zooxanthel­lae will leave their coral hosts. The coral loses its colour, turning white. This will normally happen over a period of 4–6 weeks

If water temperatur­es do not drop, the coral will starve and die. The remaining skeleton will be colonised by algae, making it impossible for the coral to recover

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