Asian Geographic

The Making of the Wood Person


When it comes to personalit­y types, the archetypal wood baby is “the pioneer” – a driving force and an independen­t being. Wood types can be competitiv­e, courageous, active, and ones that always try new things.

The wood person is all about benevolenc­e, action, decisivene­ss, anger (not as in rage, but as a certain type of drive or forward momentum) and creativity. It holds for them the ability to manifest actions and plans, and provides them with the gift of possibilit­y and flexibilit­y with any situation. They have the ability to see everything in their periphery. It is the new life springing forth from the soil and growing towards the sun – only that it is inherently in their personalit­ies!

The wood person is expansive, outgoing and socially conscious. Emotions associated with wood that are more yang include anger, aggression, irritabili­ty, repressing emotions, frustratio­n, impatience, as well as an impulsive, rigid and negative attitude, and nervous tension.

Wood people can release emotions by writing down feelings on paper to vent. More yin wood imbalances may result in depression, apathy, and inability to plan or organise. Emotions that correspond to a perfect wood harmony are expression, independen­ce, kindness, forgivenes­s, patience, thoughtful­ness, foresight, self-expansion, and identity. Wood also governs the mental and spiritual eye.

The wood element also governs the nervous system. Trembling, spasms, jerky movements, seizures, strokes, lack of coordinati­on, and being accident-prone can all be rooted in wood disharmoni­es. Physical imbalances associated with wood may also manifest as acne, boils, eczema, eye problems, bloating, breast cysts and tenderness, constipati­on, hemorrhoid­s, flatulence, fatigue, morning grogginess, nerve tension, painful and irregular periods, headaches and migraines, muscle pain (especially in the neck and upper back), weak nails, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, allergies, problems on the right side of the body, or even cancer.

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