Asian Geographic

What Makes a Water Baby


If you’re in a café or a lounge, chances are that water babies are all around you. Water babies love hanging out with friends and chatting – the deeper the conversati­on, the better. They are creative writers, musicians, and philosophe­rs, aptly labelled as they enjoy delving into the depths of life.

Water babies are the ones at art galleries observing a painting for hours, and the ones that enjoy slow walks and stopping to smell the flowers. Water babies take their time; they don’t rush as they take in everything around them.

Water babies like convenienc­e and expect to be served. Doing things themselves and following through with ideas is not their strong suit. Their ideas are unique and inspiring, but putting those ideas into action proves a challenge.

Life can looked warped to the water babies that dive too deep into their thoughts. They may feel isolated. Imagine diving into a swimming pool, then opening your eyes underwater to look up – you can see above and below the surface, but things look distorted. This is how life can look to a water baby, where everything can become exaggerate­d and a different reality may be perceived.

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