Australian Geographic

Back in the black


Bushfire recovery work With support from an AGS fundraisin­g campaign in AG 160, Conservati­on Volunteers Australia (CVA) has worked successful­ly with other conservati­on charities, volunteers and local community partners to help regenerate drooping she-oaks in Cape Jervis and Carrickali­nga on the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia. The glossy black-cockatoo feeds almost exclusivel­y on the seeds of the she-oaks and the large-scale loss of these trees to extensive land clearing on the Fleurieu Peninsula and bushfires on Kangaroo Island in 2020 have put them at severe risk of extinction.

Activities included: 19 nursery events where volunteers helped sow seeds, transplant and maintain she-oaks and other habitat plants at the Yankalilla Community Nursery; 13 community events at Cape Jervis and three community events at Carrickali­nga to complete weeding and revegetate 10ha by planting 5805 plants; and building three large and several smaller fencing pods for protected planting sites. CVA worked in partnershi­p with the District Council of Yankalilla, the ForkTree Project, and Landscape South Australia Hills and Fleurieu to deliver the project. Antarctic aspiration­s

Lisa Blair (above) is currently sailing solo, non-stop and unassisted around Antarctica while also completing ocean health science and microplast­ic sampling. “It has been non-stop for months so I will be pleased to get to sea and put the preparatio­ns behind me. I am looking forward to being able to just focus on sailing and being at sea,” said Lisa before she left in February 2022.

Lisa’s yacht, Climate Action Now, departed King George Sound near Albany in Western Australia and will be sailing over 14,000 nautical miles in the world’s most dangerous ocean before returning after approximat­ely three months, about the end of April 2022.

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