Australian Guitar




How did you first discover the guitar?

I first discovered the guitar when I was about 12. My dad had a nylon-string that I picked up and messed around with for a while. The fretboard was huge and I couldn’t get my hand around it properly, but I think my parents were impressed by my persistenc­e and got me a lovely little three-quarter nylon-string of my very own. I couldn’t tell ya what make it was, but I named her Maria after the main character from The Sound Of Music. I was a pretty cute and easygoing kid who was into stuff like The Sound Of Music and Steeleye Span. How times change.

What’s your current go-to?

My current fave is my 1991 ’52 reissue MIJ Telecaster. It’s from the FujiGen era and is beautifull­y made. I deeply love this guitar. Haven’t played one I like better. I’ve got a backup Tele for shows when I change tuning or break a string, but it’s just not the same. Both have Texas Special pickups because I like things to be bitey like grandma’s Cracker Barrel cheese.

What inspires you as a guitarist?

I like guitarists (and musicians of all kinds) who are emotionall­y expressive in the ways they play. Bonnie Mercer is an incredible local player I look up to, both for her experiment­al solo work and guitar in The Dacios (as well as many other projects); Blake Scott from The Peep Tempel; David Kilgour’s playing on ‘Point That Thing Somewhere Else’ by The Clean is my favorite piece of guitar playing, particular­ly listening to it in live sessions where it’s such a living, breathing and growing thing. I think they’re all players who can communicat­e an incredible sense of longing through their playing... at least it’s how it makes me feel. They can also build, hold and release tension in such a delicate way.

Are you much of a gear nerd?

I’m not a big gear nerd. I tend to have a sound in mind and then go ask people that I trust how to achieve it. That said, here are some of my faves. I have a 1965 40W Goldentone Reverbmast­er Combo. It only comes out on special occasions because I was frying too many parts of it too quickly. Still sounds incredible, even though it’s far from original. One pedal I love is my reverb/feedback pedal, When The Sun Explodes by Beautiful Noise Effects. Its perfect for creating wild, stuttering feedback and sending the odd solo off the cliff. My [Greer Amps] Pork N Beans boost pedal broke recently – really made me appreciate how much I love and rely on that pedal. As a vegetarian I only use the beans setting (top boost). With my amp already driving pretty hard, it just adds a touch of sparkle and sizzle to the solos. Subtle and beautiful thing.

Do you have any ‘white whales’?

I’m a simple woman. I just wish I could clone my Tele. I love it. I don’t really pine for anything else. Would also love to get one of those little Goldentone suitcase amps for playing at home or solo.

What would your signature model look like?

Is there a way I could make my fave Tele a bit lighter, but sound exactly the same? I have no idea. It’s dark magic to me. Wouldn’t mind if it was pastel purple to match my hair.

What advice would you give your past self?

Play how you wanna play. Don’t try to sound like anyone else. Just see what comes out of you.

If you could jam with any guitarist, dead or alive, who would it be?

Viv Albertine. I’d be crapping my pants but I’d just love to experiment and jam together... And get to talk to her...

 ?? Photo: Kalindy Williams ??
Photo: Kalindy Williams

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