Australian Hi-Fi



Jadis has built a brand-new valve integrated amplifier specifical­ly designed to take advantage of the newest output valve type, the KT170. To celebrate this, the famous French company has named the new integrated the Jadis I-70. “This new amplifier has been in design for a long time now because Jadis has wanted to develop a new reference integrated that was both compact and had increased performanc­e, and the arrival of the KT170 was the starting signal for the I-70 project,” said Nigel Ng, of Advance Audio, which distribute­s Jadis in Australia.

“The new I-70 continues the Jadis tradition of using point to point wiring and a transforme­r that’s made by hand, plus it’s the first Jadis integrated to integrate several features from Jadis’ monobloc technology, one such being that the power supply is fully separated. Having the driver and power stages separated means the performanc­e of one is not affected by the other, so 100 per cent of power is continuous­ly available, while the stabilised filament voltage eliminates induced noise,” said Ng.

The Jadis I-70 works in a push-pull ultra linear

Class-A mode using two automatica­lly-biased KT170s per channel and has had a new output transforme­r designed specifical­ly for it. The transforme­rs have just a single 8 tap, but you’re able to bi-wire, as two sets of terminals have been provided for each tap. Power output is rated at 60-watts per channel, with Jadis saying that rather than running the KT170 to its maximum output capability, it has instead chosen to concentrat­e on minimising distortion. “The sound of the Jadis I-70 is rich in sensation and full of emotion,” said Ng. “All the different frequency registers — bass, mids and highs — exhibit detail, accuracy and depth, with shimmering tones and a structured soundstage that will simply astound you.”

Valves used in the new I-70 are the KT170s (×4), ECC83s (×2) and ECC82s (×3). Jadis rates the bandwidth of the I-70 as 10Hz to 36kHz. It measures 400×400×255mm (WDH) and weighs 30kg. As you can see, its appearance is typical of Jadis’ amplifiers, with a chassis made from polished, non-magnetic stainless steel and a 24-carat gold-plated front panel. Available now, the Jadis I-70 sells for $23,995 (RRP).

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